Categories of activities

The category reflects the potential impact on the animal and requires a greater justification and expertise of those carrying out the activity.

Category* Risk to animals Educational justification Conditions which apply to students Conditions which apply to the teacher or demonstrator**


  • Very low impact
  • Discreet observation only
  • No contact with animal(s)
  • No disturbance to animal(s)
Provides positive experiences involving animals Any student may carry out these activities
  • Teacher discretion
  • Skills and knowledge appropriate to the activity


  • Low impact
  • Routine husbandry or animal care procedures
  • No invasive techniques used
  • Some disturbance to animal
Students are following a course or program in the school curriculum Background and level of maturity taken into account and suitable instructions given before activity Skills and knowledge appropriate to the activity


  • Moderate impact
  • Husbandry or animal care procedures requiring skill
  • Limited invasive techniques
  • Animal usually restrained
  • Techniques may cause some stress to animal
Justified by a NESA syllabus or Curriculum framework Students are given appropriate instructions and training Skills, knowledge and training appropriate to the activity AWLO needs to approve


  • High impact
  • Invasive techniques
  • Techniques may cause some pain and distress to animal
  • Justified by a NESA syllabus or Curriculum framework
  • Activity appropriate to meet syllabus outcome or competency
  • Students are given specialised instructions and training leading to competency
  • May be undertaken by students only if written approval from SACEC is obtained
Specialised training or expert competency


  • Highly specialised techniques
  • Techniques have a high risk of causing pain and distress to animal
  • Justified by a NESA syllabus or Curriculum framework
  • Activity appropriate to meet syllabus outcome or competency
  • Students are given specialised instructions and training leading to competency
  • May be undertaken by students only if written approval from SACEC is obtained
  • Accreditation by recognised authority or demonstrated equivalent competency
  • Teacher must gain written certification from the SACEC every 3 years in order to demonstrate activities in this category

* The greater the potential impact on the animal, the greater the educational justification and expertise required of teachers, farm assistants and students.

** If a category 5 activity is to be demonstrated by a registered veterinarian or accredited technician then SACEC approval is not required.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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