Check-in assessment

Online reading and numeracy assessments for students in Years 3 to 9 in NSW Public Schools. This is held in a set assessment window, supporting teachers to analyse strengths and areas of focus.

Registration and assessment window


Principals nominate an assessment coordinator in Term 2 each year.

Assessment window

The Check-in assessment is held in Term 3 each year for all students in Years 3 to 9.

Note: The reading and numeracy assessment windows have been extended by one week for 2025 to include a finalisation week. Please reserve the last week of the window as a catch-up week for absent students.

Term 3

Years 7 to 9 (reading and numeracy)

  • Assessment window Weeks 1 to 5 (Tuesday 22 July to Friday 22 August 2025)
  • Finalisation Week 6 (Monday 25 August to Friday 29 August 2025)

Years 3 to 6 (reading and numeracy)

  • Assessment window Weeks 6 to 9 (Monday 25 August to Friday 19 September 2025)
  • Finalisation Week 10 (Monday 22 September to Friday 26 September 2025)

Year 6 writing

  • Assessment window – Weeks 6 to 9 (Monday 25 August to Friday 19 September 2025)

For other assessment windows, visit Assessment dates.

Participation expectations

There is a requirement for department schools to participate. See Participation for more detail on this requirement.

Student support

Information for students needing additional support, including braille and large print versions of the assessment, is available in Student support.

School support

See School support for details on how schools access support during the assessment window.

Purpose of the assessment

The Check-in assessment is an annual online assessment for students in Years 3 to 9 in NSW Public Schools. All students complete a reading test and a numeracy test. Year 6 students also complete a writing task.

The reading and numeracy tests are designed to take up to 60 minutes.

The Year 6 task is designed to take 40 minutes (includes 5 minutes planning at the start, 30 minutes writing and 5 minutes to check and edit work at the end).

Allow students are allowed extra time if required. Both the reading and numeracy tests have approximately 50 items (including a small number of items for trial purposes). The Year 6 writing task is a single prompt marked against set criteria.

The Check-in assessment supports the identification of students’ performance in literacy and numeracy and informs next steps in teaching and learning.

They are designed to:

  • provide an overview of student learning across a year level
  • identify student misconceptions
  • support planning and programming
  • complement other in-school assessments and teacher observations.

Data provided

The Check-in Scout reports allow teachers to identify strengths and areas of focus for students either at a cohort or individual level. Each question is mapped to syllabus outcomes, learning progressions and teaching strategies. Schools can usually access this data within 2 school days after finalising the assessments.

Results are also placed on the Check-in measurement scale. The scale shows how the school and individual students have performed over time. The scaled scores require time for statistical processing. Schools are notified when these are available.

For information on using Check-in Scout reports, view the short explainer video at Check-in Scout reports (staff only).

Focus areas

The Check-in assessment aligns with outcomes from the NSW English and Mathematics syllabuses and progressions from the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions.

Areas covered by each assessment.

Results and feedback

Feedback is available to teachers in Scout and PLAN2.

The Scout report includes:

  • an overview of how the school performed
  • overall score and marked answers for students
  • answer feedback with explanations of reasons for errors or possible misconceptions
  • links to related teaching strategies to support further teaching and learning
  • school performance over time
  • student progress over time.

Scaled scores will be available once all assessments are completed and statistical processing is finished.

Teachers can access Scout reports and PLAN2 through the ALAN online tools. These sources can form part of data triangulation practice.

Informing next steps

The Check-in assessment can be used to inform multiple levels.

Evidence assists with:

  • identifying possible student misconceptions
  • identifying student strengths and areas for development
  • selecting differentiation strategies based on student need.

Evidence assists with:

  • identifying students who may require further support in one or more areas
  • identifying areas of strength and focus for the class, including those requiring consolidation
  • reflection on classroom teaching and learning activities and planning.

Evidence assists with:

  • identifying students requiring further assessment and support
  • planning and programming decisions
  • planning of resources
  • identifying professional learning needs.

Running the assessment


All department schools are required to participate, unless you have discussed this with your Director, Educational Leadership and you:

  • are a School for Specific Purposes (SSPs) and you expect the assessment is not suitable for your student cohort OR
  • are a school with a large proportion of high performing students (for example, fully selective) and can provide evidence of a suitable quality alternate assessment strategy.

Note: Students registered in small group tuition programs are still required to complete available assessments.

Further details on how to administer the assessments are provided in the Assessment Support channel in Microsoft Teams – DoE Check-in assessment (staff only). The school’s nominated coordinator is invited to access this MS Team from Term 2 each year.

Technical and device requirements

The Check-in assessment is delivered via a third party platform The assessment platform URL and password activation email is sent to the assessment coordinator shortly before the assessment window opens. Once the coordinator has set the password, the coordinator can access the administration platform and begin to prepare for the assessment.

All devices for the assessment must meet minimum technical requirements and be checked prior to the assessment using the diagnostic test web page.

Note: There is no locked down browser for the Check-in assessment.

Equipment Minimum requirements


Resolution of 1024 x 7689 inch (diagonal measurement)
9 inch (diagonal measurement).


Headphones, earphones or earbuds.

Devices (sound card required)

Desktop PC
iPad (not iPad minis)
Android tablet.

Device accessories

Keyboard and mouse or trackpad (for desktops and laptops).

Operating system

Mac OS 11+
MS Windows 10+
Chrome OS 90+
iOS 15+
Android 10+

Supported web browsers

Google Chrome 119+
Microsoft Edge 119+
Firefox 119+
Safari 16+

Note: New web browser updates released after the assessment window opens may not be supported.


512 KB bandwidth for up to 20 users
2 MB bandwidth for up 100 users

Other internet traffic should be minimised during the online tests.


(Years 7, 8 and 9 only).

Students can bring their own calculator or use calculator software installed on most devices.

Primary students cannot use calculators.

Other peripherals

Students cannot use web browsers, email, mobile phones, dictionaries or other resources for research or clarification.

Student support

Students can access the same level of support they would normally have in the classroom. Schools may implement special provisions at their discretion. No formal application process is required.

Students supported by an itinerant support teacher vision can access braille and large print versions of the assessment. These are available for students who already access braille and large print services and who are supported by an itinerant support teacher vision.

Full details are available in the Check-in assessment request for large print and braille materials form – department schools (PDF 209 KB) (staff only).

Professional learning

Online assessments – Preparation (NR33063) (via MyPL, department staff only)

Online professional learning course covering an introduction to the assessment, the preparation and implementation processes and how to access feedback and support. All supervisors should complete this eLearning before administering the assessment.

Using Check-in Scout reports

See Check-in Scout reports (staff only).

General Check-in professional learning

Details on general professional learning are available via Microsoft Teams – DoE Check-in assessment (staff only). Access to this will be supplied to the school’s nominated coordinator.

Strengthening Writing – Actioning Check-in data (via MyPL, department staff only)

A suite of accredited professional learning supporting the Check-in Writing (Year 6) assessment.

The courses support teachers in responding to feedback received from the assessment by explaining the skills assessed and providing explicit teaching strategies to assist students in improving their writing.

  • Strengthening Writing – Actioning Check-in Data: Creating texts (AC00825)
  • Strengthening Writing – Actioning Check-in Data: Grammar and punctuation (AC00826)
  • Strengthening Writing – Actioning Check-in Data: Spelling (AC00875)

Note: Each module of the Grammar and punctuation course builds on the learning in the previous module, so it is recommended they are completed consecutively for this course.


Real time support is available 8:30 am to 4:00 pm weekdays during the assessment window via Microsoft Teams – DoE Check-in assessment (staff only).

Outside the assessment window, department schools can email

Parents and carers should contact their child's school directly.


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