Overview of state-wide assessments
State-wide assessments completed by schools to gain clear diagnostic information on student learning progress.
Best Start Kindergarten Assessment

A one-to-one teacher-led interview, administered in the first 5 weeks of school for all Kindergarten students in NSW public schools.
It consists of 2 components:
- literacy
- numeracy.
The assessment aligns to the NSW English and mathematics syllabuses and the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions. Teachers use the online tool to enter student responses, with information automatically recorded in PLAN2. A parent report can be downloaded to provide parents and carers with information on their child's literacy and numeracy skills.
For more information, visit Best Start Kindergarten Assessment.
Check-in assessment

An annual assessment for students in Years 3 to 9 in NSW Public Schools. Year 6 also undertake an additional writing assessment.
There are 2 tests, each approximately 50 questions:
- reading
- numeracy.
These assessments support the identification of students’ performance in literacy and numeracy and informs next steps in teaching and learning. Feedback is available in Scout and PLAN2, aligned to NSW syllabuses, the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions, and targeted teaching strategies.
For more information, visit Check-in assessment.
HSC minimum standard

The test is administered by schools, within set date parameters, for Years 10 to 12 to demonstrate they have the literacy and numeracy skills needed for life after school. Underpinned by the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF), it is comprised of 3 short online 45-minute tests:
- reading
- writing
- numeracy.
Schools can view a student’s progress toward the minimum standard via the HSC minimum standard reports in Scout. Students view this using their Students Online account. A Higher School Certificate testamur is issued to students who meet the HSC minimum standard. Students who sit for the HSC examinations without meeting the standard will receive a Record of School Achievement (RoSA).
For more information, visit HSC minimum standard (intranet page) and HSC minimum standard (NESA).
Opportunity Class Placement Test

The test is available for students seeking entry to an opportunity class from Year 5. A parent/carer application is required for each child. The test is completed at designated test centres. The test is designed to measure intellectual ability rather than assess academic performance. It is paper-based and consists of 3 components:
- Reading (25 items, 30 minutes)
- Mathematical reasoning (35 items, 40 minutes)
- Thinking skills (30 items, 30 minutes).
Practice test papers for students are available at The test. The department does not recommend any specific coaching for the test. Parents are notified of the outcome of the placement process by the Selective Education Unit. The Unit is responsible for all aspects of the placement process and for test centre management.
For more information on the test structure, visit The test.
For information for schools on supporting student placement and the test, visit Selective high schools and opportunity classes (intranet page)
Selective High School Placement Test

The test is available for students seeking entry to a selective high school in Year 7. A parent/carer application is required for each child. The test is completed at designated test centres. The test is designed to measure intellectual ability rather than academic performance. The test is paper-based and consists of 4 components:
- Reading (30 questions, 40 minutes)
- Mathematical reasoning (35 questions, 40 minutes)
- Thinking skills (40 questions, 40 minutes)
- Writing (1 question, 30 minutes).
Practice test papers for students are available at the The test and interactive test questions at Student Resource Hub. The department does not recommend any specific coaching for the test. Parents are notified of the outcome of the placement process by the Selective Education Unit. The Unit is responsible for all aspects of the placement process and for test centre management.
For more information on the test structure, visit The test.
For information for schools on supporting student placement and the test, visit Selective high schools and opportunity classes (intranet page)
Supplementary Year 7 assessment

An optional assessment for individual Year 7 students to complete if they did not complete the Year 6 Check-in assessment the previous year.
There are 2 tests, each 40 questions:
- reading
- numeracy.
The assessment informs targeted teaching practices in support of students commencing Year 7 at department schools. Feedback reports are available in PLAN2, aligned to NSW syllabuses and the National Literacy and Numeracy Learning Progressions.
For more information, visit Supporting transition to Year 7.
VALID Science

The Validation of Assessment for Learning and Individual Development (VALID) program provides online end-of-stage assessments for the key learning area of science.
There are 2 assessment packages offered:
- VALID Science 8 (for NSW government schools and non-government schools, externally marked).
- VALID Science 10 (optional assessment with 5 hours professional learning prior).
Results are reported on via Scout in 3 strands:
- Knowing and understanding
- Problem-solving and communicating
- Planning, designing and conducting.
For more information, visit VALID Science.
Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

A short assessment that tells teachers how students are progressing in phonics. All Year 1 students in NSW government schools are required to complete the mandatory assessment. The Check takes 5 to 7 minutes for the 40 words and is administered by teachers with each student individually, within the classroom.
The assessment aligns to the National Literacy Learning Progression. Information from the Check is available in PLAN2 upon lodging the assessment. A PDF report for each student can be downloaded to provide teachers with information to inform decisions about next steps in learning.
For more information, visit Year 1 Phonics Screening Check.
Assessment dates
For information on when the assessments are completed, visit Assessment dates.