Careers adviser mentoring program FAQ

Find answers to the questions most frequently asked about program details and eligibility for the Careers adviser mentoring program.


The program is open to teachers, middle leaders, senior leaders and principals in NSW public schools with an interest in becoming a mentor. Participants cannot be in the first 3 years of their teaching career.

To be eligible, mentors must:

  • be an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • have a current proficient careers adviser teacher role in an NSW public secondary school and have a minimum of 3 years’ teaching experience
  • hold an approved careers qualification
  • have the endorsement of your principal to become a program mentor

Program details

The Careers adviser mentoring program will offer up to 20 places for mentors.

Mentors will have the opportunity to develop their leadership skills as part of the program. Mentors will have access to professional development including Lead and Aspire Mentoring Program (LAMP) delivered by School Leadership Institute, support from Career and Workplace Learning team and facilitated networking opportunities.

To enable participants to learn and practise the skills of mentoring, and to embed those skills, the program will consist of a conference (6 August), seminars and intersessional mentoring activities (during the weeks commencing 14 October and 4 November). These sessions are designed to support participants to continue learning in between scheduled events and reflect on their mentoring practice.

Ongoing mentoring practice and engagement with online activities, involving engagement with readings, podcasts and videos, and reflection on mentoring practice, will take place throughout the duration of the program.

A reflection summary is be submitted on 6 December.

Mentors will will be asked to support ONE new careers adviser (mentee) through the program. This will enable them to put into practice the skills and knowledge that has been imparted during the program.

The department is committed to establishing a deliberate, holistic approach to mentoring. For the purpose of the mentoring program the relationship between the mentor and mentee is defined as the process between two individuals who share and build knowledge and expertise, and support. The frequency and length of engagement will be determined by the mentor and mentee with advice from the Leading and Aspiring Mentoring Program team.

The Lead and Aspire Mentoring Program team will be available at scheduled times throughout the program to answer any questions and/or support participants.

The Career and Workplace Learning (CWL) team will host a introductory session (30 minutes), professional learning (2 hours) and establish a community of practice to support mentors. The CWL can assist with accommodation and travel arrangements for participants based outside of Greater Sydney.

A factor in building investment in the mentoring process is the notion of choice – that the participants, particularly the mentee, have chosen to participate in the mentoring. The Career and Workplace Learning team will conduct an EOI process for mentees to allow them to choose to participate. The establishment of the mentor/mentee relationship will be undertaken collaboratively so that it is differentiated and tailored according to the personal characteristics of the mentee and mentor.

Mentors may have already be enaged in informal mentoring processes. They are asked to encouraged the new careers adviser they are working with to submit an EOI in the mentee process.

Application process

Interested participants should:

  • Read the Lead and Aspiring Mentoring program guide and the careers advisers program requirements. submit an EOI Career adviser mentoring program.
  • Discuss your expression of interest with your principal. Provide them with relevant information including available assistance for travel and acccomdation for those outside Greater Sydney.
  • Submit your expression of interest using the online form by COB 19 June. You are required to answer two targeted questions.

An EOI assessment panel will be convened to review all EOIs. The outcome of the panel assessment will be communicated to successful applicants by the close of business, 21 June.

Successful applicants are to confirm their participation with their principal endorsement.

Careers advisers outside Greater Sydney are to advise the Career and Workplace Learning team travel and accommodation requirements by close of business 25 June.

The EOI assessment panel will identify applicants that will be placed on a waiting list. Those applicants will be advised on 24 June.


  • DoE

Business Unit:

  • Education and Skills Reform
  • Skills and Workforce Programs
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