International studies

The study of intercultural understanding with contemporary examples of cultural diversity. The course focuses on creating a cohesive and just world.

Students may undertake either 100 or 200 hours of study in International Studies. Courses are structured in the following ways:

  • a 100-hour course consisting of Core and 2 to 3 options
  • a 200-hour course consisting of Core and 6 to 8 options.

International studies provides students with an opportunity to explore and recognise their own cultures and appreciate the richness of multicultural Australia and the world. The course enables an understanding of cultures from different perspectives and develops skills to engage harmoniously in the interconnected world.

Professional learning

Course information for leaders

The course retains much of the content and structure of the previous version with some updates to content and outcomes to align with contemporary culture and student needs.

The content is divided into core and options. The core should precede the options. The options may be studied in any order:

  • 100-hour course comprises the core and 2 to 3 options
  • 200-hour course comprises the core and 6 to 8 options.

International studies is an interdisciplinary course that provides a unique conceptual framework for the study of culture, and the promotion of intercultural understanding.

The course has links to Stage 5 HSIE, English, PDHPE and creative arts subjects as well as a range of STEM opportunities.

The course

Schools must use International studies course document (DOCX 164 KB) to develop educational programs for this course to comply with the Curriculum planning and programming, assessing and reporting to parents K-12 Policy and associated policy standards.

Scope and sequences are flexible documents and may vary according to local school contexts and student cohorts, provided they comply with the course documents.


International Studies assessment advice (DOCX 141 KB) is available to assist teachers to select a range of different activities for the purpose of assessing and reporting.

Department-approved elective courses are not eligible for credentialing on the Record of School Achievement (RoSA). Assessment activities should reflect the school's organisation of the course and provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning.

Teaching resources

Schools may choose to adapt or modify this content or use other materials suitable to their local context, provided they comply with the course documents.

For more information


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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