Evaluate a K–6 language program

Reflect on your school’s existing language programs and plan for the future.

Build a logic model

Logic modelling is a helpful starting point to evaluate a school-based program.

Reflection questions

The following questions are a guide. Adapt them according to your school's identified needs and context and consider them throughout the logic-modelling process.


Is there evidence of student learning?

For example:

  • recordings of students completing communicative tasks
  • texts created by students in the target language
  • observations of student learning.

Is there evidence of student engagement in the language program?

  • Are students enjoying language lessons?
  • Has student work been displayed?


  • How are language teachers supported at school?
  • How do language teachers collaborate with class teachers to align content and discuss student progress or issues?

School leaders

  • What knowledge do leaders have of the relevant language syllabuses?
  • What understanding do leaders have of language teaching pedagogy?


  • Are parents supportive of the program?
  • What issues or concerns have been raised?

The program in the school

  • How long has the current language program been in place?
  • Have changing demographics in the school community impacted the language program? How?

Access support

The primary languages team is here to help you evaluate your school’s language program.

We provide:

  • advice on best-practice language teaching and curriculum implementation
  • support that is determined by your school context
  • guidance with successful models of running a primary language program.

Contact the team

Email primlang@det.nsw.edu.au.

Case studies

The following case studies detail recent experiences of schools seeking to evaluate a language program.

Schools sought support from the primary languages team to assess and improve the implementation of their programs in each of these examples.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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