Nihongo Tanken Centre programs

The Nihongo Tanken Centre offers a range of activities to students, closely aligned with the outcomes of the NSW syllabuses.

Participation in a Nihongo Tanken Centre program offers students full immersion in a total Japanese experience. From the initial welcome to the last goodbye, all communication is in Japanese, with centre staff experienced in communicating effectively with both Japanese and non-Japanese speakers from Kindergarten to Year 12, including students with special learning needs.

Face-to-face excursions

A visit to the Nihongo Tanken Centre is a stimulating and motivating learning experience for both students and teachers. Programs developed by the Nihongo Tanken Centre offer a wide range of activities designed to suit every level of language proficiency, immersing students in the Japanese language and culture.

The Nihongo Tanken Centre also welcomes Schools for Specific Purposes (SSPs), supporting students with disability. If you are interested in arranging a visit, please contact our staff to arrange a specialised program for the day.

At the centre:

  • students engage in a 4-hour program
  • the program is customised to suit each school’s needs
  • activities enable students to practise and extend their language skills, working in teams
  • students may also engage in interactive tasks using an interactive whiteboard.

For Year 10 students, 2 options are available:

  • standard excursion
  • 'survival' excursion – a day in Japan.
Image: Japanese garden at the centre

Virtual excursions

The Nihongo Tanken Centre offers 2 virtual excursions for students in rural and remote schools to engage with the centre, exploring Japanese language and culture.

  • An online speaking package for Stage 4
  • A virtual excursion for Year 10

Online speaking package for Stage 4

This package is designed for Stage 4 students in rural and remote NSW public schools to connect with the Tanken Centre, to meet native speakers and to practise their Japanese speaking skills. You will need to book a date and time for your class to participate. There is no cost to schools to participate.

Stage 4 – online speaking package for rural and remote schools (DOCX 4.5 MB)

Virtual excursion for Year 10

The virtual excursion is designed for Year 10 students in rural and remote NSW public schools. It consists of 2 parts:

  • part 1 – students virtually explore the Nihongo Tanken Centre through an immersive 360° experience, with activities to complete (approximately 50 minutes)
  • part 2 – the Japanese class connects with our teachers for a live, interactive lesson (approximately 30–35 minutes).

You can plan your virtual excursion as a stand-alone activity or as part of a full day of Japanese activities at school.

The Tanken virtual excursion – teacher information (DOCX 3.1 MB) document contains full details, including alignment to syllabus outcomes.

Students complete part 1 in a normal Japanese lesson. You will need to book a date and time for part 2. There is no cost to schools to participate.

Stage 6 support

The Nihongo Tanken Centre also offers holiday workshops for HSC students from all sectors and online speaking sessions for Stage 6 students in NSW public schools. These events are advertised via the Languages statewide staffroom and our social media channels.


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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