Content and language integrated learning

Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) is a pedagogical approach that involves students learning a language through content from other key learning areas (KLAs).

Models of CLIL

Models of CLIL include:

  • teaching cross-curricular content in the language classroom without reference to other syllabuses or collaboration with classroom teaching colleagues
  • coordinated linking of content from other syllabuses being taught in the language classroom
  • full immersion, where all of the content of a KLA is taught.

For schools considering implementing CLIL, the department recommends the linking of content from other syllabuses being taught in the language classroom. This approach involves the language teacher developing and delivering programs that meet language syllabus outcomes and align with outcomes from other key learning areas while the class teacher teaches most of the content in each KLA.

This coordinated linking of content from other syllabuses taught in the language classroom provides all of CLIL's benefits while limiting its associated drawbacks.

Full immersion approach

The department does not recommend teaching all of a KLA in a language students are learning. When a KLA is taught in a language that students are simultaneously learning, this is a full immersion approach.

This approach is most appropriate in schools where 50–80% of the whole school curriculum is delivered in one language other than English. In these settings, a number of key learning areas will be taught in the language.

Schools should carefully consider the implementation of an immersion program and seek advice from the primary languages team through

Implementing CLIL in schools

With a considered approach, implementing content and language integrated learning can be beneficial.

Benefits of implementation

  • Delivery of content that is relevant to primary-age students
  • Learning in the classroom is supported by learning in the language class and vice-versa
  • The promotion of collaboration between the language teacher, class teacher and supervisors

Factors hindering successful implementation

  • Research connecting CLIL with cognitive load theory suggests that neither the language nor the content is effectively learnt
  • Not all content in other syllabuses is well-suited to be taught in a new language
  • A lack of resources available for language teachers to successfully teach CLIL.

Potential for cognitive overload

An explicit teaching approach is the best way to teach students new or complex concepts and skills. This provides students with the necessary building blocks for guided and independent practice.

The cognitive demands placed on students in a CLIL setting can be significant. When learning is new or complex in a KLA, working memory is burdened more if the content is also learned in a new language. For further information, please refer to Cognitive load theory: Research that teachers really need to understand.

The tasks outlined in the CLIL scope and sequences focus more on developing the skills and content from a KLA rather than communicative competence in [Language]. To ensure students develop the communicative competence required to be successful language learners, it is strongly recommended that schools balance CLIL with task-based language learning.

These CLIL scope and sequences assume the school languages program is 120 minutes per week. Approximately half this time will be spent explicitly teaching the language to successfully communicate the KLA concept in [Language], and the rest will be spent completing the task.

The concepts, vocabulary, and grammar required to complete CLIL tasks are often more challenging than those required to complete other language learning tasks. As a result, it is essential that sufficient time is spent on learning and practising the language required to complete each task. This pre-teaching of language helps ensure that the cognitive load demands on students are manageable.

The language and content learning tasks in the scope and sequences are intended to be taught by the language teacher during language lessons. To maximise student outcomes in both areas, language teachers will need to collaborate with class teachers. Collaboration has been identified in the 2020 update of What Works Best as being one of 8 teaching practices to enhance outcomes for students.

KLAs and key inquiry questions

The recommended language learning tasks are derived from questions within the relevant syllabus. There are different labels for the questions, depending on the syllabus. In geography, history and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE) they are referred to as key inquiry questions. In science and technology, there are inquiry and focus questions. The scope and sequences refer to key inquiry questions.

Language teachers should be aware of KLA-specific considerations when developing their learning sequences. For example, when teaching history, it is important to consider ethical implications with role-play activities as it is inappropriate to re-enact or recreate certain people and events. Teachers are encouraged to use discretion before creating a lesson sequence with role play.

Content that may be considered sensitive or controversial within a local community should not be delivered in a language that students are learning. Examples of sensitive and, or controversial content may include child protection education, sexuality education and drug education in PDHPE.

In many cases, the language learning tasks do not address all key inquiry questions in each strand, or all of the content attached to each key inquiry question. The documents contain links to relevant KLA resources. These resources provide further suggestions on how the KLA content could be taught.

The CLIL scope and sequences are based on the NSW Modern Languages K–10 Syllabus (2022).

The content relates to the NSW History K–10 Syllabus (2012), NSW Geography K–10 Syllabus (2015), NSW PDHPE K–10 Syllabus (2018) and NSW Science and Technology K–6 Syllabus (2018). These syllabuses will be replaced in schools from 2027.


Over the course of a stage, students should have a number of opportunities to address each outcome for each KLA's syllabus. The units in these documents represent one opportunity for students to meet KLA outcomes. Students should be given other opportunities to meet these outcomes outside of the CLIL setting.

NSW primary schools that teach languages are required to address all outcomes over the course of a stage. The scope and sequences highlight outcomes that are to be assessed during the completion of tasks and those that will be addressed over the course of a unit.


  • Teaching and learning


  • Foreign languages
  • Language
  • Pedagogy
  • Teaching language

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
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