PDHPE communicating with parents and carers

Learn about policy in regards to communicating with families about PDHPE and access sample letters.

All schools in NSW are required to teach courses of study in accordance with the outcomes of syllabuses developed by NSW Education Standards Authority.

Some aspects of PDHPE may be viewed as sensitive or controversial, such as learning about abuse, child protection, drugs, respectful relationships, sexual health, sexuality, and violence.

Principals are responsible for the delivery of curriculum, school programs and activities, inclusive of the study of controversial issues. This includes the approval of content and supervision of activities delivered by external providers.


Some aspects of PDHPE may be viewed as sensitive or controversial, such as learning about abuse, child protection, drugs, respectful relationships, sexual health, sexuality and violence.

Inform parents and carers, prior to the occasion, of the specific details of the PDHPE program which may be viewed as sensitive or controversial in your school community, so that parents and caregivers have time to raise any concerns in regard to the content or resources used for curriculum delivery.

Establishing how parents and caregivers will be informed about programs and involved in consultation is a school-based decision. There are many misconceptions about what students learn about and how students learn in PDHPE.

Communication with parents and carers assists the community to better understand the content and aims of the programs.

Informing parents and carers about PDHPE content at the beginning of the school and before starting a unit of work or series of lessons on the content is advisable.

Access the sample information letters to communicate with your school community about your teaching and learning programs.

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