Values education

Suggestions for creating a learning environment that allows students to explore and develop their own personal values.

Education should provide students with the tools to think critically about real-life situations, and assess and adapt their own values, attitudes and behaviours. This education is the responsibility of the whole school community and is most effective as part of a whole-school approach.

Exploring values

Teachers are encouraged to undertake a personal reflection to ensure that they feel comfortable and confident in their capacity to deliver the sexuality and sexual health content. Where teachers have concerns they should speak with their principal and supervisor.

Schools are required to acknowledge the great range of views held by students, families and the community. Principals and teachers should ensure that these views are taken into account in delivering suitable learning programs. Some aspects of sexuality and sexual health education may be considered controversial by some families, and the department’s Controversial Issues in School policy should be used to assist schools in making professional and considered judgments on such matters.

Teaching approaches to controversial issues should be age-appropriate, sensitive to student needs, and consistent with the values outlined in the Values in NSW public schools policy. Teachers should demonstrate and create a learning environment that is inclusive and value fair, where issues which may be considered sensitive or controversial are respectfully discussed. The teacher’s personal view should not influence or persuade student learning.

There may be occasions, however, when a statement of the teacher’s views may be necessary to help students formulate their own views or to answer a request from students when such a request is relevant to the discussion. In such situations, the teacher’s statement should be balanced and restrained and presented as one opinion to be considered critically along with any others.

When teachers create a supportive learning environment, students feel safe to learn and ask questions.


Further information


  • Teaching and learning

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