Vocational education and training reports

Unlike other subjects, assessment in VET is competency based. This means the student is assessed against an industry defined standard, rather than being compared against others. The industry standard is outlined in the unit of competency. Students have either “Achieved” competency, or they have not. A student cannot be 60% competent.

Students who have demonstrated that they have met the standard required through the provision of evidence, as judged by a qualified assessor, will be deemed to have “Achieved” that unit of competency. Outcomes of competency achievement and progress during a specific reporting period must be reported using the same terminology used to report competency outcomes to NESA

What to include in a VET report

VET reporting formats should:

  • identify NESA course name
  • the qualification code and name
  • the codes and names of any competency studied during the reporting period
  • the outcomes of those competencies using the correct terminology
  • total work placement hours required over the course and the cumulative number of hours completed at the time of the report. Where a course does not have mandated hours of work placement this should be identified as Not Applicable or “0”.

The following definition of competency outcomes is to be included with the VET report.

  • Achieved: The student has been assessed as meeting all requirements of this unit of competency.
  • Not Achieved: The student has attempted all assessment activities and has not met one or more of the requirements of the unit of competency. Assessment for this unit of competency has been finalised.
  • Continuing: The student has participated in learning but has not yet completed all assessment activities. Assessment for this unit has not been finalised.
  • Withdrawn: The student did not attempt all assessment activities. Assessment for this unit of competency has been finalised.
  • Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL): The student has submitted an application for Recognition of Prior Learning and has been assessed as meeting all requirements of this unit of competency.
  • Credit Transfer: The student has been granted credit transfer based on the provision of a transcript showing achievement of the unit or an equivalent unit.

What should not be included in a VET report

Reports should not include marks or ranks.

Competency outcomes

Each unit of competency commenced during the reporting period must be reported as either Achieved, Not Achieved, Continuing, Withdrawn, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) or Credit Transfer. Schools should not use alternate terminology for competency outcomes.

For VET courses, schools should report on competencies that are commenced within the reporting period as well as any competencies that had a “Continuing” outcome at the end of the previous reporting period.

Except for compressed curriculum schools and situations where a student had a “Continuing” competency outcome from a previous reporting period, a report would usually report on a maximum of 8 units of competency.

When to use “Not achieved” or “Withdrawn” as competency outcomes

For a competency outcome of “Not Achieved,” the time for completion of all assessment activities must have ended and the student must have attempted all assessment activities. Where the time for completion of all assessment tasks has ended and the student did not attempt all the assessment activities the outcome should be reported as “Withdrawn”.

When to use “Continuing” as a competency outcome

“Continuing” is to be used where a student commenced a unit of competency during the reporting period, and all training and assessment activities for that unit of competency are not scheduled to be completed until the next reporting period. Note: “Continuing” is not to be used as an outcome when reporting on student achievement at the end of a course.

Reporting on work placement hours

The report should include the minimum number of work placement hours mandated by NESA in the course being studied. If no minimum work placement hours are mandated an entry of “0” is to be recorded. It is important to report on the total number of hours of work placement completed at the time of the report. Where the school is providing training to a school-based apprentice or trainee, the school should report on the total hours of employment undertaken by the student in the work placement section.


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