2025 Transition to primary school: starting school safely
Starting school is an exciting and important milestone for both children and their families. While it's the responsibility of parents and carers to ensure their child's safety when traveling to and from school, schools play a vital role in promoting safe practices every day.
16 August 2024

To support a smooth and successful start to school, Kindergarten orientation information sessions provide an excellent opportunity for schools to promote safe road behaviours to new families.
It is essential to remind all parents, carers and grandparents to:
- hold their child's hand while walking on the footpath, in car parks, and when crossing roads
- use the safest points to cross roads
- walk a bit further to use pedestrian crossings, refuges, and traffic lights
- ensure their child enters and exits the car through the 'safety door' (the rear left door closest to the footpath)
- properly secure their child in an appropriate child restraint or booster seat suitable for their age and size
- meet and drop off their child on the school side of the road (never call them from across the road)
- drive and park legally, even if it means parking farther away and walking the rest of the way to school.
The Road Safety Education team has developed a range of resources to assist schools in providing school-specific road safety messaging for new parents and carers.
Transition to kindergarten resources
1. Starting school safely - road safety parent and carer presentation (8.4MB ppt)
This editable presentation supports schools with providing clear, school-specific road safety information to parents and carers, to ensure their child's safe transition to kindergarten.

2. Road safety information for parents and carers flyer Word Template (3.9MB)
This editable template supports student safety when travelling to and from school. Schools are encouraged to add school-specific information and share with new families.
3. Transition to Kindergarten safely - webpage
Road safety information for teachers and the coordinator of transition programs
4. Getting to and from school safely - webpage
Information from the department to share with families
5. Kindergarten orientation library bag - place your order NOW
Schools can order free library bags for each of their 2025 Kindergarten enrolments, as well as brochures and posters directly from Transport for NSW.
This free calico bag contains a height chart, bus safety information, key road safety messages, a ‘safety door’ sticker, activity sheets for children, and a pack of coloured pencils.
Schools should consider adding additional school resources to the bag and distribute these during 2025 Kindergarten orientation sessions.

6. Starting school safely – ES1 teaching and learning activities (17MB ppt)
Teaching and learning activities to use during orientation events, transition times and the first few weeks of Term 1, 2025.
For further support contact the Road Safety Education team
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