Sharing the care of our children
Grandparents, nannies, friends and carers are very important people in the lives of our children and especially during these uncertain times.
20 December 2021

But there’s one thing that’s always certain, children are vulnerable in the traffic environment. They need you, grandparents, nannies, friends and carers to help keep them safe.
How often do we discuss and share the road safety messages with these important people who are caring for and supervising our children?
Spend some time sharing the following advice with your important people.:
1. Be alert and aware
Talk about the dangers you come across on your walking or riding with your child. Point them out such as vehicles coming out of driveways and show them how to be safe.
2. Always hold hands
When on the footpath, at a crossing or in a car park always hold your child's hand up until they're 8 years old and closely supervise until they are 10.
3. Choose a safe crossing
Lead by example and choose a safe place to cross the road. Explain why it is the safest place to cross.
4. Set a good example
Your child watches everything you do, so if you cross at the crossing they will too. Put your mobile devices away and focus your attention on the surroundings. Be a responsible road user as children see every adult as a teacher and role model.
5. Stop, Look, Listen, Think every time you cross the road
Talk about and practice STOP! one step back from the kerb. LOOK! continuously both ways. LISTEN! for the sounds of approaching traffic. THINK! whether it is safe to cross.
6. Safe travel in cars
Ensure your child:
- are always correctly buckled up with a seatbelt or child car seat
- always gets in and out of the car through the 'safety door'. This is the rear door on the footpath side of the car
- use a booster seat if aged between four and seven years old, or until they reach a height of 145cm.
- are never left alone in the car.
7. Getting on and off the bus:
- hold hands and stand a few steps back from the edge of the road when waiting for the bus
- meet your child at the bus stop or interchange after school. Never wait on the opposite side of the road and call them across
- wait until the bus has gone, then choose a safe place to cross the road.
8. Travelling by bike or scooter:
- always wear a helmet when riding
- ride together on the footpaths until your child is 16 years old unless signposted otherwise
- watch out for cars entering or leaving driveways.
- Teaching and learning