Minister Aitchison praises Transport for NSW's School Road Safety Education Program

The Hon. Jenny Aitchison MP, NSW Minister for Regional Transport and Roads attended a recent Department of Education Road Safety Education workshop. She praised the NSW government's unique approach and dedicated team of road safety education specialists working with schools.

The Road Safety Education Program is the NSW Government's leading model of support for educating children and young people about road safety.

NSW is the only state in Australia with a comprehensive road safety partnership with the education sectors, which includes a dedicated team of road safety education specialists that support teachers in teaching road safety as part of the NSW curriculum.

The program is fully funded by Transport for NSW, allowing the Department of Education and other educational sectors to provide teachers and early childhood educators in NSW with curriculum-focused classroom resources and professional development. For additional details, check out Transport for NSW.

This video showcases the great work the NSW Road Safety Education program provides to NSW schools, promoting the importance of road safety education.

NSW government schools are encouraged to contact their local Road Safety Education Officer for support.

Minister talks about the Road safety education program
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