
Connect students to their learning through meaningful, engaging and rewarding personalised learning experiences. Help parents and carers actively participate in learning from home. Build a climate of care and positivity.

This means providing a ‘single unit of work’ in printed and/or digital form considering individual student needs.

For example, learning activities should include options for students who have limited or no access to devices or the internet. Use a variety of teaching strategies.

Encourage students to connect and collaborate by creating small group work opportunities

Ensure individual learning plan strategies are still being used

Offer students opportunities to do action research projects that align with outcomes, particularly for independent learners

Ensure learning materials are understood and encourage questions.

Be accessible during school hours and provide students and families with information about how and when they can contact you.

Schools need to make local decisions about how this will work, for example:

  • school website could include contact details and times
  • students could ring the school and leave a message for a specific teacher
  • school phone messaging provides contact details and is set to record enquiries
  • school staff create a ‘contact timetable’ for students: for example, from 9–10am students can contact teacher by school phone, between 1-2pm they can access their teacher in Google classrooms and 2-3pm they can call teachers on a fixed telephone number.

Schools need to make local decisions about how this will work, for example:

  • phone call to parents to check on student’s general learning and wellbeing
  • scheduling a weekly web chat with students
  • sharing the school’s contact details and timetable for follow up enquiries or discussions.

Students will need to take time to connect with their friends, family and part-time work colleagues.

This could include communicating via email, social media, video conferencing, writing letters or by telephone. BeyondBlue also provides safe online forums to help children and young people connect.

There are many organisations that support student wellbeing. You should encourage your students to access information from reputable sources.

This could include the Beyond Blue forum, where there is a discussion about coping with the coronavirus outbreak.

Students can always contact the Kids Helpline on 1800 551 800.

This will help them feel listened to and validated. Explain that it is normal to feel a range of emotions during this time.

Encourage students to talk with family and friends about how they are feeling.

Some students might also prefer to draw or create artwork to express how they are feeling.

Tell students how to access the school counsellor during school time; remind them that the school counsellor is still available. Schools need to make local decisions about how this will work.

Students can also find external support if they feel stressed, worried or anxious.

Kids Helpline:

Younger students might also like to take the Kids Helpline quiz to check in with their feelings.


  • Wellbeing

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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