Anti-racism action in schools

The Anti-Racism Policy provides the framework for anti-racism education in NSW public schools. Every school is required to have an Anti-Racism Contact Officer who assists the principal in promoting anti-racism education.

Anti-racism education in NSW public schools

Anti-racism education in NSW public schools includes a range of strategies which aim to prevent and counter racism in the learning and working environment. It includes programs which support staff to understand, prevent and address racism at school, systems for addressing incidents of racism and curriculum-linked strategies which aim to teach students about Australia’s cultural diversity, history and racial discrimination laws. It also includes strategies which promote equity, mutual respect, cultural inclusion and community harmony in the school environment. Anti-racism education is strongly aligned with Aboriginal education, recognising that racism has a particular impact on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

In addition to demonstrating respect for the cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds of all members of the school community, schools are required to display and model respect for Aboriginal Peoples as the First Peoples and provide an environment of cultural safety for all Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander learners and students, staff, families and community members so that they may participate equitably within the learning and working environment.

Schools must have effective Aboriginal Education strategies that establish and maintain high expectations and improve outcomes for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students in Preschool to Year 12, as well as implement strategies that increase all students’ understandings of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures. Strategies should also be put in place to ensure that teachers are well equipped to teach Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander perspectives and content across all learning areas and can appropriately support the learning needs of all Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, including high potential and gifted students.

    Our shared responsibility

    While principals lead the implementation of anti-racism education in schools, every member of the school community can assist in countering racism by demonstrating respect for cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds of others, and behaving in ways that promote acceptance and harmony in the school environment.

    The Anti-racism education policy procedures provide direction and guidance on all staff responsibilities to understand racism and its impacts, the action staff need to take to prevent racism and how staff can respond effectively to racism when it occurs.

    Anti-Racism Contact Officers support principals to implement anti-racism education strategies and to manage reports of racism.

    For more information, see:

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