Reports of racism

Processes for making reports of racism within the school community and department workplaces.

Any student, parent, carer, community member or employee who has experienced or witnessed racism at school or in any department office should report it. All reports of racism are taken seriously and are best resolved at the local level wherever possible.

How do I report racism?

In schools, reports of racism can be made to any member of staff and are best supported by the Anti-Racism Contact Officer (ARCO) who is trained in supporting the processes to address racism in schools. Reports can be made in person, by email or phone, and also online by using the department’s feedback and complaint form.

How can the ARCO help?

The ARCO facilitates the handling of reports of racism by:

  • providing advice on the process to students, staff and community members
  • assisting the principal to manage reports of racism made by students against other students
  • supporting the resolution of reports where students are the subject of the report
  • providing impartial support to staff, students and community members who want to report racism
  • supporting the person making the report of racism during the process
  • providing advice related to the impact of racism to the principal and/or nominated staff member managing the report.

In other department workplaces, reports of racism may be made in person, by email or phone to any workplace manager and also online by using the department’s feedback and complaint form.

Addressing reports of racism

There are different processes for addressing reports of racism, depending on who is making the report and what the report of racism is about.

Reports of racist behaviour in schools displayed by students towards other students, teachers or community members are managed using the Anti-Racism Policy and Student Behaviour Policy.

Schools can use the editable Management of racism – flowchart to communicate with staff, students and the community about the processes for reporting and managing racism by students.

Experiences, concerns or incidents of racist behaviour by an employee may constitute misconduct. Principals and line managers manage reports of racism displayed by staff with reference to Professional and Ethical Standards (PES) Guidance on Misconduct (staff only). For more information, see Professional and Ethical Standards (staff only), the directorate responsible for maintaining appropriate standards of conduct and performance across the department.

Concerns of racism relating to department policies, procedures, processes or systems are managed with reference to the Staff complaint procedures (staff only) or the Community complaint procedures.

If you need further information about how to make a report of racism, please contact:


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