New translations

The department adds new translations of information and documents regularly.

For documents currently available, visit Translated documents.

Translation agencies

Schools may fund their own translations for publications such as school newsletters. Contact the Multicultural Education team for advice.

  • Remember your audience and purpose.
  • Write in plain English – where possible avoid educational and departmental jargon.
    • Explain any necessary technical terminology. Be consistent with its use.
  • Use short sentences. Be precise and concise as costs are based on the number of words to be translated.
  • Do not use slang, colloquialisms, proverbs, slogans or humour.
  • Consider keeping names of departments, services, addresses and official titles in English.
  • Have document titles written in the target language and English. Ensure the name of the language is written in English on all pages of a document.
  • Issues to be considered include:
    • differing space requirements for different languages
    • use of different scripts
    • whether language reads left to right or right to left.
    • whether you plan to have this translation available on the Internet and therefore ensuring it is accessible.

Follow the NSW Department of Education content style guide when creating any department communications.

When considering translation for individual projects it is best to contact an agency. The agency will be able to provide translation into various languages and supply in various formats depending on the nature of the project.

In order to get an accurate quote you will need to supply the translation providers with certain information:

  • The languages required (check which languages will be most useful to the school community).
  • The number of English words in the document for translation.
  • If you want a separate checker (this is recommended).
  • Whether the information is going to be put on the internet and therefore needs to be accessible.
  • The format you will be providing the text in and possibly a pdf copy of the document.
  • The format you want the final file to be provided in e.g. pdf format, word, power point.
  • Any deadline that needs to be met. Keep in mind the greater the number of languages requested the longer it will take to complete the project.
  • Whether the translators need to be accredited at a certain level.

Once you have chosen the company to do the job you should provide them with the following:

  • The text for translation (including a glossary of key terms) in the required format.
  • Any elements of the text that don’t need translation eg logo
  • If requesting accessible documents, you should supply the English version as an accessible file.

When you receive the first draft of the translations you need to check them for the following:

  • All logos are present.
  • The title and language name is on each translated document in English.
  • The number of paragraphs is consistent with the original document.
  • Accessibility (if required)

If errors are encountered let the agency know and ask for any changes.

Finally when publishing your document make sure you publish the English version as well so that the English speaking user knows what the document says.

Check the site where the translations are published regularly to ensure the translations listed there are still current and if not remove them.

Further information

For more information about interpreting and translations read the Interpreting and translations guidelines (PDF 313 KB).

Schools may suggest a translation of a new department document by contacting the Multicultural Education team.


  • School operations

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
  • Teaching, Learning and Student Wellbeing
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