Student wellbeing poster
This poster was originally published 21 May 2015.

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The Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation's (CESE) literature review on student wellbeing explores how student wellbeing is defined; the relationship between wellbeing, schools and outcomes; school elements in improving student wellbeing; and student wellbeing policies in Australia.
Core elements that affect student wellbeing
- Creating a safe environment.
- Ensuring connectedness.
- Engaging students in learning.
- Promoting social and emotional learning.
- A whole school approach.
Wellbeing at school is multi-faceted.
Key elements are:
- positive affect
- resilience
- satisfaction with relationships and other dimensions of one's life, and
- effective functioning and the maximising of one's potential.
In education, wellbeing is important for two reasons.
- Schooling is not just about academic outcomes but about the wellbeing of the 'whole child'.
- Students who have higher levels of wellbeing are more likely to have higher achievement outcomes at school and complete Year 12; better mental health; and a more pro-social, responsible lifestyle.