What works best: 2020 update poster
This poster was originally published 3 December 2020.

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The What works best: 2020 update summarises some of the most significant research into effective teaching. It outlines eight evidence-based practices that teachers can use in their classrooms to support improved student learning.

How to implement 'What works best' in your classroom
High expectations
Engage students and challenge them to learn new things. Establish clear and consistent expectations for their learning and behaviour, support them to meet those expectations. Tailor your teaching to meet their needs, and engage with parents and carers to encourage them to hold high expectations of their children.
Explicit teaching
Clearly explain to students why they are learning something, how it connects to what they already know, what they are expected to do, how to do it, and what it looks like when they have succeeded.
Classroom management
Develop high-quality student-teacher relationships. Provide structure, predictability and opportunities for active student participation in the classroom. Actively supervise students to keep them on task, respond to disengagement or disruptive behaviours, and support students to re-engage with learning.
Effective feedback
Be detailed and specific. Focus on how students performed on a particular task, where mistakes were made, and what needs to happen to improve in future.
Create a safe environment. Increase student's sense of belonging, value students' opinions and perspectives, encourage interest in learning, and promote social and emotional skills.
Use of data to inform practice
Collect data from a wide range of sources, including your observations, class tests, formal exams, student work samples and responses to informal questions.
Connect with colleagues and experts from outside the school. Work together to plan lessons and teaching programs, observe each others' lessons and provide feedback. Engage in professional discussion and reflection.