How high expectations and engagement in primary school drive student learning: reflection guides
This report was originally published 28 November 2019.

Reflection guide for schools
Research shows that engagement in primary school has a significant impact on students’ achievement on NAPLAN in Year 7.
- What does it mean to say that a student is “engaged”? What behaviours would you expect from an engaged student at school or in the classroom?
The Learning Curve identifies five key factors that have been shown to contribute to students’ success in Year 7.
- Which of these are factors that occur within the classroom? What can teachers do to promote them?
Relevance refers to learning opportunities that allow all students to link their current understandings to new knowledge.
- How can you ensure that every student is able to engage in relevant learning in the classroom?
Literacy and numeracy are supported by different aspects of students’ experiences at school.
- What different strategies do you use to support students’ literacy and numeracy development?
Liverpool West Primary School and Warwick Farm Primary school both emphasise a school culture of high expectations to promote student engagement.
- How does the culture of your school promote positive engagement for all your students?
Reflection guide for school networks
Research shows that engagement in primary school has a significant impact on students’ achievement on NAPLAN in Year 7.
- What does it mean to say that a student is “engaged”? What behaviours would you expect from an engaged student at school or in the classroom?
This Learning Curve finds that teachers’ high expectations have the biggest impact on student learning across Years 5, 6 and 7.
- Using the Tell Them From Me data on high expectations for your network, which schools are showing evidence of high expectations of their students? Consider the data relative to both the state and SSSG averages.
Student behaviours and attitudes in primary school carry over into their learning as they commence high school.
- What strategies are being used successfully in primary schools to ensure relevance of learning and students’ positive behaviour?
Literacy and numeracy are supported by different aspects of students’ experiences at school.
- What strategies can be used to support students’ literacy and numeracy development? Are these used consistently across primary and high schools?
For both Liverpool West Primary School and Warwick Farm Primary schools, external, community partnerships are key to promoting student engagement.
- What are schools doing to foster relationships with their wider community in order to promote student engagement?