Trauma-informed practice in schools: An explainer discussion guide
This report was originally published 28 January 2020.

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This document has been created to support principals, executive, teachers and school staff to unpack and reflect on CESE’s Trauma‑informed practice in schools explainer, and to explore implications for their schools.
These questions are designed to facilitate reflection on and discussion of CESE’s publication Trauma-informed practice in schools: An explainer.
- What are the main points being made in this publication? What stood out to you?
- Which main points are most relevant in your school context?
- Can you think of a time when a student has acted in a way that may indicate they have been impacted by trauma? What did you do? What worked well, and what, if anything, would you do differently now?
- What strategies, policies or practices are currently in place at your school or in your classroom that use a trauma-informed practice approach?
- What other strategies, policies or practices could be put in place at your school or in your classroom that could support a trauma-informed practice approach?
- What action is needed as a next step to implementing or strengthening trauma-informed practice at your school? Who should be involved?