Supporting advocacy at school reflection guide
This publication was originally published 29 June 2020.

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Advocacy at school is the support students receive from teachers and staff in the school who can provide encouragement, and who can be turned to for advice.
Research shows that students who experience high levels of advocacy at school have improved learning and wellbeing outcomes, including increased motivation and effort in lessons, enhanced sense of belonging and improved chances of completing school.
- What does advocacy at school look and sound like at your school? How do you know?
Teachers can be an advocate for their students when they invest time in getting to know their students, have conversations with students about their learning and aspirations and encourage student voice.
- What strategies do you use to demonstrate advocacy for your students?
Feedback and interactions with students help convey a teachers’ advocacy and ensure that students feel known and supported, motivating them to continue to try their best.
- How can you ensure that every student feels known in your classroom?
Being in the position to advocate for their students requires a teacher to develop relationships with their students and engage students in conversations about their learning.
- What strategies do you use to engage each student in conversations about their learning during lessons?
A whole-school emphasis on establishing and building relationships across the school and parent community helps convey to students that they have an advocate at school.
- How does the culture of your school develop proactive support systems?