Primary school student engagement and wellbeing in NSW

This report was originally published 20 December 2016.

Image: Primary school student engagement and wellbeing in NSW


This Learning Curve presents findings from the 2015 Tell Them From Me primary student survey. The survey measures the engagement and wellbeing of primary students in Years 4, 5 and 6 as well as the classroom, school and family factors that influence student engagement and achievement. Tell Them From Me data is presented here in conjunction with data from the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) to explore the links between student engagement and achievement during the primary years.

Key Findings

  • Primary school children report that they are highly engaged in school.
  • Intellectual engagement starts to decline in the senior years of primary school.
  • A gap in teacher-student relationships, effort and aspirations between low- and high-SES students emerges during the primary years.
  • Effective teaching and classroom practices have a positive effect on student engagement and achievement.
  • A large proportion of primary school children report that they do not feel challenged at school.


  • Research report
  • Student engagement and wellbeing
  • Tell Them From Me

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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