State of the NSW teaching profession, 2014
This report was originally published 29 April 2015.

Great Teaching, Inspired Learning
In March 2013, the NSW Government released Great Teaching, Inspired Learning (GTIL) – a plan to improve the quality of teaching and learning in NSW schools.
The GTIL blueprint provides a set of 16 reforms and 47 specific actions across the whole career cycle of a teacher, from initial teacher training and induction for beginning teachers, through to how to best recognise and value experienced teachers and support potential school leaders.
The blueprint commits to the publication of a ‘State of the NSW Teaching Profession’ report that nationally and internationally benchmarks the ‘health’ of the NSW teaching profession against a range of indicators.
The structure of this report
This first State of the NSW Teaching Profession report identifies 11 evidence-based indicators of effective teaching across four domains: professional knowledge, professional practice, professional engagement and teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction.
The indicators in this report are not intended to be an exhaustive list of effective teaching practices and teacher attributes. Rather, they represent 11 practices and attributes that are supported by evidence (including the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers); are relevant to the NSW teaching context; and for which there are data available. It is also important to note that many of the indicators are not discrete, but interconnect or overlap with each other. For example, teachers who have a positive relationship with students are also more likely to have classroom environments that are conducive to learning.
Domain: Professional knowledge
- Indicator 1: Know how to teach students with a diverse range of abilities
- Indicator 2: Know subject matter content and how to teach it
Domain: Professional practice
- Indicator 3: Teach with clarity and use a repertoire of teaching strategies
- Indicator 4: Establish and maintain a safe classroom environment that is conducive to learning
- Indicator 5: Establish positive relationships with students
- Indicator 6: Use a variety of strategies to assess student learning and provide timely and effective feedback to students
- Indicator 7: Involve parents and carers in the educative process
Domain: Professional engagement
- Indicator 8: Engage in professional learning that focuses on subject matter content and how to teach it
- Indicator 9: Engage with colleagues and students to improve own professional knowledge and practice
- Indicator 10: Participate in professional learning targeted to professional needs
Domain: Teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction
- Indicator 11: Are confident in their role as teacher and satisfied with their job
Each indicator in this report is presented on a separate page and is accompanied by:
- the evidence that supports it
- information about relevant NSW requirements for teacher quality
- data indicating the extent to which teachers in NSW, Australia and other selected countries possess the attribute or are implementing the practice, and
- commentary on how NSW compares nationally and internationally.
A set of icons indicates which of the four domains each indicator belongs to:
- professional knowledge
- professional practice
- professional engagement
- teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction.