2020 NSW Post-School Destinations and Experiences Survey
This report was originally published 26 October 2021.

- 2020 Annual report (PDF 1841 KB)
- 2020 Technical report (PDF 1149 KB)
- 2020 Aboriginal recent school leavers factsheet (PDF 668 KB)
- 2020 All school leavers factsheet (PDF 690 KB)
- 2020 Impacts of COVID 19 factsheet (PDF 416 KB)
- 2020 Recent school leavers experiences factsheet (PDF 353 KB)
- 2020 Rest of NSW factsheet (PDF 1078 KB)
Destinations of students who completed or left school early in 2019
Year 12 completers

Just over three-fifths (62.1%) of 2019 Year 12 completers were in some form of education or training in 2020. The main post-school destination for this cohort continued to be a Bachelor degree (45.0%). Just over one-quarter (26.9%) were employed (7.8% full-time and 19.1% part-time), while a smaller proportion were looking for work (7.7%), or not in the labour force, education or training (NILFET*; 3.3%).
*Not in the labour force means that a person is not working and not looking for work.
Early school leavers

In 2020, the main post-school destinations among 2019 early school leavers were substantially different from Year 12 completers. More than half (51.4%) were undertaking some form of education or training. The most common post-school destination among this cohort was an apprenticeship (27.7%). Just over one-quarter of early school leavers were employed (8.8% full-time and 16.7% part-time), while a smaller proportion were looking for work (17.3%) or NILFET (5.9%).
1 There are ten main school destinations that relate to further education and current employment. This classification system is hierarchical and prioritises education related post-school destinations over participation in employment. As such, it represents a young person’s main destination since leaving school.
2 A detailed outline of the survey method, including eligibility guidelines and the selection process can be found in the technical report.