Our research statement
We need high-quality research evidence to inform our education practice, programs and policy.
Managed by the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE), our Research Statement sets out the path we are taking to make sure that the department’s research best serves our learners and those who support them. It outlines a strategic approach to our research that will help us achieve 4 objectives:
- create research that will inform our practice, programs and policies
- use research to support our teachers, educators and students
- build research capability across the system
- make it easier to conduct research aligned to our needs.
Our research
Our Research Statement articulates the department’s commitment to research that is strategically aligned to support all NSW students to learn, grow and belong in an outstanding and equitable education system.
By implementing the Statement, we are making sure that our research:
- is practice-focused and feeds back into NSW public education
- supports Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander led research and principles
- is rigorous, ethical and culturally responsive
- addresses gaps in knowledge that are directly aligned to our priorities
- is collaborative across the whole education sector.
Our objectives
Why is this important?
We need to prioritise research that will help drive improvement across all parts of our education system.
What will we do?
- Establish research priorities to inform our research activities.
- Leverage the research expertise in the higher education sector.
- Contribute to state, national and international knowledge in the higher education sector.
Why is this important?
We need to make our research available and practical for those who will use it.
What will we do?
- Build connections with teachers, educators, researchers and Education support staff throughout the research cycle.
- Promote and share research findings with all involved in education across NSW.
Why is this important?
We need our staff to have the confidence and know-how to conduct, find and use research effectively.
What will we do?
- Create ways for teachers, educators, students and parents to be heard and involved in research activities.
- Provide accessible guidance to help staff build their research skills to drive capability in the use of data and evidence as part of everyday practice.
Why is this important?
We need to make sure that the way we do research is streamlined, transparent, timely and coherent.
What will we do?
- Improve our research governance.
- Strengthen the role and function of the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation (CESE) as the department's hub for research and evaluation.
- Streamline our processes for accessing data and conducting research in schools.
- Make the best use of our data and research assets.
Our evidence needs
We need to prioritise research evidence that will help us deliver the focus areas of Our Plan for NSW Public Education:
- Advance equitable outcomes, opportunities and experiences.
- Strengthen trust and respect for the teaching profession and school support staff.
- Give children the best start in learning.
- Deliver outstanding leadership, teaching and learning.
- Strengthen student wellbeing and development.
- Provide meaningful post-school pathways.
Read more about our evidence needs in A Guide to Our Evidence Needs.
Read more about Our Plan for NSW Public Education.
Why we developed this Research Statement
- To form better coherence between the research evidence we create and the research evidence we need.
- To improve the way research informs our system stewardship, practice, programs and policy.
- To uplift capability to engage in evidence-based policy and practice across all parts of the NSW education system.
- To improve our processes for managing and supporting high-quality research.