Research in our schools

The NSW Department of Education welcomes high quality research that supports Our Plan for NSW Public Education, aligns with the department’s Research Statement and Guide to our Evidence Needs, and is consistent with the provisions of the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research.

Applications to conduct research in NSW public schools, NSW public preschools and/or other government education settings are made under the State Education Research and Partnerships (SERAP) process.

Announcement – new SERAP process

The department has introduced a new SERAP process effective from 30 January 2025. The changes are intended to deliver more timely decisions, reduce burden on researchers, and better support research aligned to Our Plan for NSW Public Education.

Existing applications submitted prior to 2025

Please note we are no longer accepting applications via SERAP online. If you have submitted a SERAP application prior to 2025, please be assured that it will continue to be processed, and we will be in touch in the coming weeks.  

To submit a variation or extension request for existing SERAP applications authorised prior to 2025, or to close off a project, see Variations and reporting requirements.

New SERAP application guidelines  

New SERAP application guidelines have been developed that clearly articulate the purpose of SERAP, its guiding principles and the updated steps involved in preparing and submitting SERAP applications.  

SERAP Expression of Interest (EOI)  

To initiate a SERAP application, researchers will now be required to submit a SERAP Expression of Interest (EOI). The purpose of the EOI is to collect key project details and identify alignment with departmental priorities. The EOI should only take 15–30 minutes to complete and requires general information about the proposed research.

New SERAP application form 

The department is no longer accepting applications via SERAP online. A new SERAP application form has been developed to support researchers to include sufficient information about the aims, methodology and expected impacts of the proposed research project.

What is the new SERAP application form

The new application form is a revised version of the National Application Form (NAF), which was developed by a national working group on behalf of the Research in Education Network (REN) and supported by the Australian Education Research Organisation (AERO).

Who needs to complete the form

This form is required to be completed by researchers applying for SERAP authorisation and applies to projects that are either (1) NSW-specific; and (2) multijurisdictional including NSW (e.g. national or multi-state research) or multi-sector (e.g. public, Catholic, independent or early childhood, primary and secondary education).

How to get started

All projects requiring SERAP authorisation are required to submit a SERAP Expression of Interest (EOI) for review and feedback from the Research and Partnerships team before completing and submitting this NAF. 

Establishment of SERAP Outcomes Committee   

Commencing in 2025, SERAP applications will be assessed by an Outcomes Committee for decisions on research authorisation. The committee members will include senior department policy professionals and subject matter experts who will support the Research and Partnerships team with decision making and ensure approved applications align with Our Plan and the department’s research priorities.  


Research conducted in or with NSW Government education and department sites that require participants and/or data access must be assessed under the SERAP process and be granted authorisation before commencement.

The SERAP process allows the department to assess the suitability and feasibility of the proposed research project, and check for alignment with the department’s Research Statement and Evidence Needs, and compliance with relevant State and Commonwealth legislation, regulations and guidelines, including the department’s duty of care for students and staff.

Research projects requiring SERAP authorisation

SERAP authorisation is required for: 

  • Research (including evaluations) led by individual researchers or organisations external to the NSW Department of Education.
  • Research to be conducted in a NSW Government education or department site, including a public school, or a co-located public preschool.
  • Research involving participants recruited through NSW Government education sites.  
  • Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC)-approved research seeking the disclosure of personal information (data) by the department for research purposes.
  • Research including any of the above being undertaken to fulfil the requirements for higher degree research (for example, honours, Master or PhD), including employees of the department.
  • Requests to expedite assessment.

Some projects may be suitable for assessment through an expedited SERAP process (for example, projects in formal partnership with, or commissioned by, the department).

While most SERAP applications will not be considered for the expedited process, assessment will be determined on a case-by-case basis through the research EOI process and following discussion between the department and the researcher.

How to apply

To commence a SERAP application please submit a SERAP Expression of Interest (EOI) for review and feedback from the Research and Partnerships team before completing and submitting the full SERAP application.  

The SERAP EOI form requests brief information about the proposed research, including: 

  • a short abstract referencing the project’s alignment with Our Plan for NSW Public Education
  • the participant groups proposed to take part in the project and the activities they will be asked to do 
  • plans to use data available through Data.NSW or plans to request access to non-published data from the department 
  • potential sensitivities or contentious issues 
  • whether the project is part of a collaboration, partnership or funding arrangement with the department (if relevant).  

Following the department’s decision on the EOI, applicants may be invited to submit a full SERAP application (NAF). The SERAP guidelines outline the details needed in the full SERAP application and additional documentation required.

Application timeframes

The Research and Partnerships team aims to respond to the applicant within 2 weeks of receiving a completed EOI, pending staff capacity to provide initial feedback.

Researchers will be informed of the outcome decision usually within 12 weeks of submitting a full SERAP application (NAF). 

The department reserves the right to decline and close applications with no appeal process. 

Variations and reporting requirements

Researchers are required to maintain communication with the department across the research lifecycle. The SERAP application guidelines provide the full requirements for reporting on and requesting variations and extensions to authorised research projects.

Existing SERAP applications authorised prior to 2025

To submit a variation or extension request for existing SERAP applications authorised prior to 2025 please fill in an Amendment request form.

This form is used for both variations and extensions. Researchers must provide the following information and documentation:

  1. SERAP number (for example, 2024001)

  2. project title

  3. researcher's contact details

  4. type of amendment request, i.e. extension, variation, or both

  5. for extension requests, the anticipated end date of the project and a brief explanation for the extension

  6. for variation requests, a brief description of the proposed amendments

  7. HREC approval letter for the amendments and,

  8. revised research documentation collated in one document.

To close off an existing SERAP application authorised prior to 2025, please email including:

  1. SERAP application number (for example, 2024001)
  2. a final report of the research project
  3. an executive summary suitable to share with the schools involved in the research.

Related resources

The following resources should be read alongside this document to assist researchers preparing for a SERAP application:  

Research involving NSW Government schools and preschools must comply with all relevant regulations and laws, including but not limited to: 

Contact us

To minimise delays during processing and assessment, we encourage all researchers to contact the Research and Partnerships team during the initial planning stages of a project. 

For further information, please contact the Research and Partnerships team, 


  • Educational data

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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