Student Item Analysis – Reading and Numeracy

About this report


Data Source: Check-in assessment

Updated: Daily (during assessment window)

Designed for

Principals, school leaders and teachers can use this report to explore how an individual student has performed by Domains (e.g. Reading & Numeracy) and view performance by area of learning and syllabus outcomes for their schools. Directors, Educational Leadership and Executive Directors can view all schools within their network.


How can I use this report?

This report allows schools to analyse student performance on each item of the Check-in assessment by syllabus outcomes and learning progression. The report compares student scores against the school once all students in the school have completed the assessments. The report will also compare student scores against average scores for a Statistically Similar School Group (SSSG) and State following analysis of results for participating schools across NSW. Please note that the SSSG may be different from the usual statewide grouping as the assessment is opt-in and, therefore, does not include all schools.

What should I look for?

The report provides student performance by individual item, with details for each item. You can use the learning progression indicators to identify skills the student was able to demonstrate during the assessment and areas that may require further focus. Schools can use this report to view the performance of a student compared to the average school results. Comparison to SSSG and DoE State percentages will be available following statistical analysis of the results from all participating schools.

Note: The report extends beyond the initial page view and its entire length can be viewed by scrolling in your browser window.  

Using the report

Select the results you want

The slicers at the top of the report allow you to select the results you want displayed.

Image: The selection slicers

Step 1 is required for data to be shown in the report. Select a school.

Check that you have the scholastic year and domain you wish to view results for, e.g. Year 5, Reading.

Step 2 is optional and allows for further refining by enrolment groups, EAL/D, Gender, and/or Aboriginality if you want to do so.

Step 3 is important and required to view student performance by individual items and view question-level details.

If you do not make any selections in Step 2, the report will continue to show all results available to you under each of these categories.

View the charts

Your selections will automatically be applied to all charts.

Student Summary

This section of the report will provide a quick snapshot with the student's name and % of questions (items) correct. Following statistical analysis of results from all participating schools, % of questions (items) correct will also be available for statistically similar schools and the State DoE for each domain.

Scaled scores are based on a weighted average of questions (items) asked in the domain and compared against the school, SSSG, and State.

Image: An example of Student summary

Student Performance by Area of Learning and Syllabus Outcome

This bar chart provides the overview of student performance by Area of Learning and Syllabus Outcome in each domain for the selected scholastic year:

Image: An example of Student Performance by Area of Learning and Syllabus Outcome

Student Response by Learning Progression

This section provides a detailed view of indicators by learning progression elements for literacy or numeracy for the selected scholastic year. Numbers in indicator columns refer to the number of questions assessed and answered correctly (yellow indicator) or incorrectly (pink indicator).

Image: An example of Student Response by learning progression

Question Response Details

This table provides student responses to each item and item level details including skill description, suggested teaching strategy link, syllabus outcome, area of learning, and progression level and indicator description in each domain for the selected scholastic year:

Image: An example of Question Response Details

Note: Images of specific questions are available for Semester 2 2023 and 2024 assessments. Some images are not available as they support statistical processes to maintain the reliability of the assessment.


This table displays feedback on the responses for the item selected for each domain for the selected scholastic year:

Image: An example of Feedback

Need further support?


  • DoE

Business Unit:

  • Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation
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