Current Enrolment

The Current Enrolment report provides a high level view of a school's student enrolment data.

Executive Directors and Directors of public schools can view all schools within their Principal Network.

How will this report benefit me?

The Current Enrolment report supports school staff to make decisions informed by the characteristics of the students enrolled at the school.

The Current Enrolment report can also be used to support the collection of accurate and complete enrolment data in a school.

Unlike the census-based enrolment report, this report obtains data daily from ERN. This allows school staff to make changes to their student records and see changes reflected in this report the next day.

What does the Current Enrolment report provide?

The first page of this report presents six charts:


  • This column chart displays whether the student is Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander, both or neither.

Country of Birth

  • This column chart displays the students' country of birth sorted by descending student count, with counts of each country on the y-axis.

Scholastic Year

  • This column chart displays the breakdown by scholastic year. It can help pinpoint trends such as population growth, or a particular scholastic year when students leave the school.
  • Note that during January of each year, there are no enrolments in Kindergarten and Year 7. This is not a report error and simply reflects the fact that these cohorts have not yet officially started at the school.


  • This bar chart displays the number of students with English as an additional language or dialect. This can help principals to plan for additional resources for children whose first language is not English.

Home Language

  • This column chart shows the languages spoken at home by students at the school. It is sorted in descending student count. Note that the large number of 'Not Specified' values is due to the way the enrolment form is worded. The question on home language asks carers to specify what language other than English is spoken at home. ;A value of  'Not Specified' generally means the student speaks English at home.

Has Language Background other than English

  • This column chart shows the number of students who have a language background other than English. The “Yes value is made up of students who speak a language other than English at home, and/or have a parent/carer who does not speak English as a first language.

The second page of this report presents a single table:

Student Details

  • The table displays students at the school including name, aboriginality, language spoken at home, country of birth and EAL/D.
  • Data in this table can be exported to Excel for further analysis.

Use the slicers to filter and analyse the data:

  • Executive Director Group
  • Network
  • School
  • Enrolment Type Group
  • Enrolment Type
  • Gender
  • School Type
  • School Sub Type
  • Student Name
  • Aboriginality (Page 2 only)
  • Language at Home (Page 2 only)
  • Country of Birth (Page 2 only)
  • EAL/D (Page 2 only)
  • Scholastic Year (Page 2 only)

How can I use the Current Enrolment report to support my school self-assessment?

  • The report allows users to identify student groups that are present in their school community (e.g. Aboriginal students, students for whom English is an additional language). This supports schools to develop school programs to address the needs of these identified groups.
  • The report can allow users to identify anomalies in enrolment data. This supports schools to maintain accurate and complete enrolment data.

What should I look for?

The visualisations can answer questions around the learning community in a school.

For example, is the school's provision for EAL/D students sufficient? Could the school employ Community Liaison Officers to assist in communicating with families? Should interpreters be provided for parent teacher nights?

Where does this data come from?

The data comes from the department's student enrolment and registration system, ERN.

How frequently is data updated?

Daily (overnight). Any changes made within the data in ERN will be visible in the Current Enrolment report the next day.

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