Official Attendance Census
The Official Attendance Census report provides a high level view of attendance rates by scholastic and calendar years and school terms.
Executive Directors and Directors of public schools can view all schools within their principal network.
How will this report benefit me?
The Attendance Rate report can be used to gain an insight into trends and any significant shifts in student attendance at your school or in your area.
What does the Attendance Rate report provide?
This three page report presents information on:
Page 1 –Attendance Rate by Scholastic Year
Attendance Rate by Scholastic Year
- This clustered column chart displays attendance rate for each scholastic year over calendar years, as well as attendance rate by terms.
Attendance Rate by Term
- This line chart displays the attendance rate in each term for the last seven years.
- Click on any year in the legend to highlight only that year on the chart.
Page 2 –Attendance Rate by SSSG and State
- This clustered column chart compares the attendance rate for a school with the statistically similar school group (SSSG) and the state.
- Hover over a column to view the actual attendance rate to 2 decimal points.
Page 3 – Attendance Rate Across Schools
This displays a table with attendance rates for schools in Principal Networks.
The following slicers can be used in all three reports:
- Executive Director Group
- Network
- School
- School Term
- Gender
- Aboriginal - The term Aboriginal used in this data set refers to and includes both Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples. In NSW the preferred term is Aboriginal, rather than Indigenous or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- School Type
- School Sub Type
- Scholastic Year
How can I use the Attendance Rate report to support my school self-assessment?
You can use this report to identify trends in attendance at your school over time, and compared to your SSSG and the state. This information can be used to develop strategies to improve the learning culture and student wellbeing at the school that are appropriate to your school’s context.
What should I look for?
- Use the charts to gain an understanding on the attendance rates and trends at your school by scholastic year, term, SSSG and state over time.
- For example are there some scholastic years where attendance drops, is there a drop in attendance rate at particular times of the year, etc.
Where does this data come from?
How frequently is data updated?