Additional learning units may be chosen on top of the standard accommodation schedule, to suit the educational requirements of the school:
Two of the following additional learning units may be chosen on top of the standard accommodation schedule, to suit the educational requirements of the school:
Note: It may be desirable to include these additionalareas within the existing provision of similar space. For example, if the additional science hub is chosen, it may be located with the existing provision of science labs, and share facilities such as preparation and storage areas.
The General Learning Space is an adaptable learning space that accommodates a teacher’s desk and sufficient student desks and chairs to enable all to be seated.
Workshop is a learning space accommodating sufficient student stools and bench height tables to enable a class group to be seated.
The Multi Purpose Space Room is a small, multipurpose learning room with desks and chairs for individual to medium sized groups.
The Store Room is dedicated to the secure storage of General files and equipment. It accommodates shelving systems.