
How early childhood education and care services and outside school hours care services can respond to emergencies and natural disasters, such as bushfires, floods and storms.

Service closures

  • The approved provider is responsible for deciding whether or not a service should close.
  • Up-to-date information about current fire emergencies can be found on the NSW Rural Fire Service (RFS) website or the Hazards Near Me app.
  • Up-to-date information about flood and storm emergencies can be found on the NSW State Emergency Service website or the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology website.
  • If you intend to close your service, for example on days forecasted to have an elevated risk of emergencies, you should consider advising local emergency services of this intention.
  • Conditions or triggers that may require you to temporarily cease operations should be outlined in your emergency plans and procedures.
  • The department does not publish a list of service closures. However, you can find service and temporary closure information on the ACECQA website. If a service has suffered damage from a natural disaster or other emergency and cannot operate (or has reduced capacity), families can contact the department for assistance with finding alternative care.
  • You can check whether schools in your area are closed on the department’s School safety webpage. If your service is located on a school site that will be temporarily closed, please consider closing your service.


  • Services are required to notify the department of any closures, incidents, evacuations or damage to premises. While the regulations require this to be done within 24 hours, services should ensure the safety of children, educators and staff as a first priority. Services can contact the department by phone or email if they do not have access to NQA ITS..
  • If you’d like to notify the department of further details about the same incident, click on your original notification to ‘edit’ it. Update the details and ‘save’. This could include adding additional documentation as attachments.
  • Please update your original notification if your service is closed on multiple days as a result of an emergency. Please also update the re-open date in your original notification to let us know when you’ve reopened.
  • Submit a new notification if you are notifying the department of a different incident
  • Please see the department's Notifications and Reporting page for more information.


  • Services should outline how they will monitor bushfires, floods and other potential emergencies in their communication plan as part of their emergency management plan. For more information, please see our links to relevant resources and our sample communication plan template.
  • Services should monitor local conditions and follow the directions of emergency services. This includes family day care educators operating in affected areas. Up-to-date information about current fire emergencies can be found on the NSW RFS website or the Hazards Near Me app.
  • Look out for text messages from fire authorities. A ‘Watch Zone’ can be set up to monitor a local area. You can also check the NSW RFS website or call the RFS on 1800 679 737.
  • Up-to-date information about flood and storm emergencies can be found on the NSW State Emergency Service website or the Australian Government Bureau of Meteorology website.
  • Monitor your local ABC Radio station to stay up to date on bushfires and local emergencies near you.
  • Access links and resources to assist your service before and during an emergency on the NSW Government Emergency webpage.

  • Thick smoke and ash can travel a significant distance from bushfires. It is important that services monitor children for smoke irritation. Symptoms can include:
    • itchy/burning eyes
    • runny nose
    • shortness of breath/headaches
    • irritated sinuses
    • throat irritation
    • coughing
  • The department encourages all services to access guidance on smoke irritation and maintaining health during bushfires provided by NSW RFS and NSW Department of Health.
  • The NSW Department of Planning and Environment provide current air quality ratings that you may wish to monitor and incorporate in your emergency planning.
  • Minimise the risk of asthma and respiratory problems by keeping children indoors. Ensure asthma action plans and medications are readily accessible and incorporated in your emergency management plans as necessary.

  • If you have families seeking alternative care due to you reducing or temporarily ceasing operations, please contact the department for individual advice and support by:


  • Early childhood education

Business Unit:

  • NSW ECEC Regulatory Authority
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