Get regulatory support

How the Department of Education, as the NSW Regulatory Authority for the early childhood education and care (ECEC) sector (NSW Regulatory Authority), can help ECEC services and outside school hours care services respond to emergencies and natural disasters, such as bushfires, floods and storms.


Centre-based and FDC services affected by bushfires, floods or other emergencies can apply for a temporary waiver. The NSW Regulatory Authority can grant temporary waivers for:

  • physical environment, for example, indoor space or outdoor space requirements

  • staffing, for example, ratios or educator qualifications.

Waivers related to emergencies are:

  • considered on a case-by-case basis

  • only open to services in clear need, and as long as there’s no increased risk to children’s safety

  • fast-tracked.

The NSW Regulatory Authority will consider the period of time a waiver is granted so services don't have to reapply each day they don't meet the requirements.

To apply for a waiver:

  • Submit an application in NQA ITS (SA08 Application of service or temporary waiver). Select the temporary waiver option.
  • Select the regulation you are applying to waive.
  • Pay the fee – fees for these applications will be waived or refunded if they are linked to a current emergency.

In the event of a bushfire, flood or other emergency and where a service has to close for a significant period of time, the department may be able to assist with placements for children. Use the Starting Blocks ECEC Finder to search for ECEC services near you.

If your service premises are damaged or affected by bushfires, floods or other emergencies, you can apply for a temporary relocation of your service.

Temporary relocation applications relating to emergencies are considered on a case-by-case basis and will be expedited.

To apply for temporary relocation:

  • Submit an application in NQA ITS (SA01 Application for service approval – centre based).

  • Pay the fee – fees for these applications will be waived or refunded if they are linked to a current emergency.

  • Submit the required documents for a temporary relocation application (refer to regulation 25A).

  • Notify the department on completion of the works, as the renovated service premises will need to be reinstated, subject to a site visit.
  • Submit an application in NQAITS to surrender the service premises at the temporary relocation (SA07 Notification of Surrender of Service Approval).

In regions affected by bushfires, floods or other emergencies, services can apply to temporarily increase the maximum number of children who can be educated and cared by the service at any one time.

Applications to temporarily increase maximum numbers are:

  • considered on a case-by-case basis.

  • only open to services in clear need, and as long as there’s no increased risk to children’s safety.

  • fast-tracked – if related to a current emergency.

To apply for a temporary increase to maximum numbers:

  • Submit an application in NQA ITS (SA03 Application for amendment to service approval).

  • Pay the fee – fees for these applications will be waived or refunded if they are linked to a current emergency.


For advice and assistance lodging a waiver, temporary relocation or temporary increase to maximum numbers application, please contact us by:

The NSW Regulatory Authority’s Waiver Policy is also available to download on the department’s Guiding principles and policies webpage.


  • Early childhood education
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