Evaluations of Quality Support Program

The Quality Support Program, delivered by ACECQA, has been offered to the ECEC sector since 2018. The department completed a review to inform future decisions about the program.

The review covered the program’s:

  • effectiveness
  • efficiency
  • sustainability and accessibility to services
  • approach to cultural safety.

2023 program review

Changes made to the Quality Support Program after a program review in 2023 aim to deliver more tailored support to the sector through increased flexibility and more face-to-face sessions.

Changes to the Meeting NQS Pathway are aimed at making the Meeting NQS pathway easier and more flexible for early childhood education and care (ECEC) directors and educators to participate in, and to provide greater support through increased number of face-to-face sessions.

Changes to the Compliance Support Pathway are designed to help participating services get the most out of the pathway, while balancing other needs of their service. Changes include improved flexibility, such as extending the duration to up to 10-weeks, based on service need, and increasing the number of face-to-face visits in each round of the pathway.

June 2022 – June 2023 program evaluation

711 services were supported in the Meeting NQS Pathway between June 2022 and June 2023.

After participating in the Meeting NQS Pathway:

  • 73% received an overall higher service rating
  • 91.7% of services increased the number of elements Meeting NQS
  • 9.7 more elements on average rated ‘Met’
  • confidence was increased for the next Assessment and Rating, with 96% feeling more prepared
  • NQS knowledge and staff morale were enhanced, with an average 22% increase.

166 services were supported in the Compliance Support Pathway between June 2022 and June 2023.

After participating in the Compliance Support Pathway:

  • 90% reported improved knowledge of implementing management systems to support compliance at their service
  • 89% reported improved understanding of the National Law and Regulations.

Find out more

To find out more about evaluations of the QSP, email ececd@det.nsw.edu.au.


  • Early childhood education

Business Unit:

  • Early Childhood Outcomes
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