Scenario 1 – Sunnyville Community Preschool
Sunnyville Community Preschool is an established 2-room preschool located in a Business Capability Development Program trial location, and a standalone service provider. The service is potentially eligible to participate in the test and trial program and is invited to participate.
A conversation with the local Department of Education team
The Sunnyville team are contacted by their local representative from the NSW Department of Education’s Local Operations (LO) regional team. They are provided with a walkthrough of the eligibility criteria, the benefits of participating and the intended outcomes of the program.
A successful application to participate in the program
With endorsement from the approved provider, the nominated supervisor at Sunnyville completes an application and self-assessment form on the SmartyGrants website. They identify areas of challenge, make a record of their goals and highlight some of the opportunities for change that align with the program’s objectives. The application process takes between 15-30 minutes.
Sunnyville’s application for the program is assessed as successful for participation in Stage 1.
The approved provider signs the funding agreement and receives 12 hours in access payments to support Sunnyville’s participation in Stage 1 of the program. Sunnyville uses the access payment to supplement the cost of backfilling while staff engage in Stage 1 activities.
Stage 1 – developing an action plan
The Sunnyville team works with their allocated program partner to conduct an in-depth business review. They share information and materials about their governance, administration, communication, staff management, operational and business strategies and planning with the program partner, providing insights into the business management and operations of the service. This supports the creation of an action plan which Sunnyville and the program partner develop together.
The action plan outlines opportunities to uplift service governance by developing and embedding practices for compliance, business management, stakeholder engagement and financial management.
Stage 2 – capability development
Sunnyville is assessed for ongoing participation in Stage 2 and allocated 70 hours of capability development activities and corresponding access payments. The approved provider signs the updated funding agreement and receives 70 hours in access payments to support staff participation in the program and minimise impact to daily service delivery over the period of engagement.
Sunnyville’s capability development activities focus on uplifting, developing and embedding governance processes.
Key staff attend webinars and receive tailored sessions with their allocated program partner, working together to understand, develop, record and implement fit-for-purpose governance structures within the service.
Key staff also attend in person training sessions to gain better understanding of compliance requirements, procedures and documents and – with online support from their program partner – they implement these practices within the service.
The Sunnyville team participate in reflective practice workshops alongside other services in their trial area. They hear how other participating services are applying the skills acquired through the Business Capability Development Program and can reflect on and share their own experiences.
The team is supported by their program partner to refine policies and procedures based on the needs of the service and to equip them with the knowledge on how to embed future changes.
The Sunnyville team have strengthened their knowledge and capabilities and embedded operational and business management practices. This results in the efficient use of resources, and service objectives being met. The new governance framework and structure supports the ongoing success of the service. Staff have a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities and escalation processes. This results in accurate delegation of activities and tasks based on the required authority and/or responsibility, which uplifts staff accountability and improves business continuity.
Improved operational performance also increases staff wellbeing, increases efficiency and uplifts two-way communication, resulting in positive community feedback and engagement.