Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions on the Flexible Initiatives Trial.

General questions

Applications for Round 2 closed on 2 July 2024. There are no future rounds planned at this time.

Flexibility, for the purpose of this program, means any change to a service’s ordinary early childhood education and care (ECEC) business delivery and operations to promote greater accessibility for families. Flexibility may include, but is not limited to:

  • an extension of service operating hours
  • increasing available or licensed places
  • flexible attendance patterns
  • casual care day booking systems
  • wrap around care
  • any other initiative that increases availability of ECEC.

Applicants are encouraged to submit proposals to test and trial a variety of flexible activities that suit the needs of children and families in their local communities.

Note, though, that proposed flexible activities must go beyond the service’s normal, core, existing or ongoing activities.

Service amendments and approvals

No. Being successful in your application to the Flexible Initiatives Trial does not guarantee any outcome regarding your applications to the regulatory authority or local council.

If services are unable to obtain necessary approvals by the time specified in their funding agreement, the funding agreement may be terminated. For more information see Program guidelines – round 2.

Once your application is successful

Funding is paid in instalments in accordance with project milestones and funding agreement. The program type and total project cost will determine the number of project milestones and payments.

You may be required to submit progress reports and evidence when you complete a project milestone, as per your funding agreement.

Stream 2 - Blended delivery

The primary applicant must complete the application form and will therefore sign the funding agreement. The primary applicant will receive funds according to the funding agreement. They will also be responsible for all reporting.


  • Early childhood education


  • Web page

Business Unit:

  • Early Childhood Outcomes
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