
There are no current rounds open for the Flexible Initiatives Trial.

Learn more about what services might do with a Flexible Initiatives Trial grant

These scenarios offer some practical examples to show how an early childhood education and care (ECEC) service might use a Flexible Initiatives Trial grant to innovate, adapt and explore new opportunities to deliver more flexible early learning options for their community.

The 6 scenarios illustrate various ways services might apply for funding under the 3 different streams of the trial:

  • Stream 1A
    Flexible service delivery – trialling delivery of smaller-scale operating model changes within one provider and service type.

  • Stream 1B
    Establishing new family day care services in outer regional, remote and very remote areas (according to ARIA+ classification).

  • Stream 2
    Blended service delivery – trialling delivery of larger-scale innovative operating models through collaboration between 2 service types.

The scenarios show how the introduction of incremental changes can lead to significant improvements in service delivery while still maintaining quality education and care for children. They also demonstrate the potential of partnerships and highlight how innovative collaboration can lead to new education and care options.

Read about the successful FIT round 1 applications

The 16 successful applications from the first round of the Flexible Initiatives Trial were announced by the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education and Early Learning on 10 April 2024. Read our news articles for more information.

Stream 1A scenarios

Stream 1B scenarios

Stream 2 scenarios


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