PBL Tier 2 Targeted systems of support

Tier 2 targeted systems of support focus on providing additional interventions to students who require more assistance than what is provided at the universal Tier 1 level. Tier 2 interventions build upon the universal practices and are typically targeted at small groups of students who are at risk for behavioural challenges or academic difficulties. Utilising PBL Tier 2 targeted systems resources can assist teachers to intensify the Tier 1 universal supports, prevent the escalation of behaviour and provide targeted interventions to help students succeed.


Daily progress report - Daily progress reports can be used to keep students on track with behaviour goals and monitor their progress. This template can be modified to suit individual student’s needs and/or goals.

Inventory of current behaviour interventions - A resource to record an inventory of interventions that are currently in place at the universal, targeted and individual levels.

Collaborative referral form for behaviour - An example template of a referral form.

Social skills intervention – development checklist - A checklist for PBL teams to use when setting up a social skills group as a Tier 2 intervention.

Matching student need to intervention - Information to consider when matching an intervention to the function of behaviour.

Tier 2 intervention comparison - A comparison of Tier 2 interventions including Check In Check Out (CICO), Check and Connect, and Mentoring interventions.

Information about this resource

The PBL Tier 2 Targeted systems resources assist teachers to identify students requiring extra support, intensify the Tier 1 universal supports, prevent the escalation of behavioural issues and provide targeted interventions to help students succeed.

These resources support teacher and school needs by providing a range of resources for schools to implement small group interventions that build on the Tier 1 universal practices.

Professional audience

School leaders and teachers across all school settings.

The downloadable resources can be used without assistance, as a stand-alone resource and/or linked to professional learning.

Student audience

All students P-12.

When to use

This resource includes a range of a range of templates to identify and plan for Tier 2 targeted interventions. It can assist teachers to implement data driven small group interventions to help students engage in learning.


Can be used at any time build skills in intensifying universal practices to better support student requiring additional support with behaviour and learning.

System priorities and/or needs

Positive Behaviour for Learning is an endorsed approach in line with the student behaviour policy and provides guidance for schools on all aspects of positive behaviour support and classroom management.

This resource aligns with:

  • Our Plan for NSW Public Education’s direction and priorities of strengthening student wellbeing and development and advancing equitable outcomes, opportunities and experiences.

  • Need identified by Delivery Support to build teacher capacity in supporting student behaviour in the classroom environment.

School Excellence Framework

  • Learning domain – Wellbeing (A planned approach to inclusion and wellbeing, Behaviour) 

  • Teaching domain - Effective classroom practice (Classroom management) 

Relevant frameworks

Existing resources

Baker J and McNaughton S (2020) ‘Classroom Management: A Critical Review of the Literature’, International Journal of Educational Research, 103, Article 101603.

Gonzalez A and Rojas E (2021) Challenges of task difficulty and their influence on classroom behaviour: A systematic review. International Journal of Educational Research, 109, 101-114. [DOI:10.1016/j.ijer.2021.101114]

Hattie J (2019) Visible Learning: Feedback, Routledge.

Marzano R and Marzano J (2017) ‘The Key to Classroom Management’, Educational Leadership, 75(7), 36-41.

Peddie B, Kelly M, Greengard T, Whiting C and Richardson S (2024) Foundational classroom management resources handbook, Australian Education Research Organisation, https://www.edresearch.edu.au/guides-resources/practice-resources/classroom-management-handbook

Simonsen, B., Plumb, A., Duble Moore, T., Meyer, K., & Sears, S. (June, 2023). Intentionally Intensify Classroom Practices to Support Students with Disabilities. Center on PBIS, University of Oregon. www.pbis.org.

Tier 2 Team Workbook Missouri Schoolwide Positive Behavior Support (2018) https://pbismissouri.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/MO-SW-PBS-Tier-2-2018.pdf

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  • Access and support

Business Unit:

  • Inclusion and Wellbeing
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