Understanding bullying: Bystander to upstander
These resources support schools to reduce bullying behaviour through development of a culture that actively promotes positive relationships and recognises the important role of the bystander.
Wise at 5
Schools can support bystanders to become upstanders by explicitly teaching and practicing effective responses.
The following activities are a series of lessons designed to be co-presented by teachers and students to small groups of students in Years 5-8. The activities will generate ideas and discussion about effective ways to address bullying behaviour.
Bystander to upstander activities
- Activity booklet for teacher and students (PDF 1359 KB)
- Activity 1 Working in groups (PDF 43 KB)
- Activity 2 What is bullying (PDF 62 KB)
- Activity 3 Is this bullying (PDF 43 KB)
- Activity 4 Effects of bullying (PDF 64 KB)
- Activity 5 Where does bullying occur (PDF 56 KB)
- Activity 6 Online fact and fiction (PDF 59 KB)
- Activity 7 Bystander roles (PDF 50 KB)
- Activity 8 Making Chris cry (PDF 48 KB)
- Activity 9 Scenarios (PDF 42 KB)
- Activity 10 Review quiz (PDF 48 KB)
Information about this resource
This resource supports schools to reduce bullying behaviour by supporting bystanders to become upstanders and foster development of a culture that actively promotes positive relationships.
This resource supports school staff to teach students to recognises the important role of the bystander and implement upstander responses to address bullying behaviour.
This resource addresses a need identified to provide schools and teachers with supports and resources to:
implement teaching and behaviour management approaches and practices aimed at building positive behaviours and learning environments
reduce the occurrence of challenging and unsafe behaviours through proactive and preventive approaches
provide better options for managing challenging behaviours when they do occur.
Professional audience
School leaders and teachers across all school settings.
This resource can be used without assistance, as a stand-alone resource and/or linked to professional learning. Optional support is available through the anti-bullying posters and bystander to upstander activities.
Student audience
All students K-12.
When to use
When schools are seeking to actively promote positive relationships and recognises the important role of the bystander in bullying situations.
Can be used at any time in the school year.
System priorities and/or needs
This resource aligns with:
- Our Plan for NSW Public Education’s direction and priorities of strengthening student wellbeing and development and advancing equitable outcomes, opportunities and experiences
- need identified by Student Wellbeing Support, particularly Behaviour Specialists, to build in teacher capacity in understanding and addressing bullying.
School Excellence Framework
- Learning domain – Wellbeing (Behaviour)
- Teaching domain: Effective classroom practice (Classroom management).
Relevant frameworks
- The Alice Springs (Mparntwe) Education Declaration 2019
- Disability Standards for Education 2005
- NESA syllabus documents – general capabilities: Personal and social capabilities
- Australian Professional Standards for Teachers
- Standard 4, particularly 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5
- Australian Student Wellbeing Framework
- Family-School Partnership Framework
- Wellbeing Framework for schools - behaviour, discipline and character education, effective Leadership, school planning
- Achieving School Excellence in Wellbeing and Inclusion
Existing resources
- Student Behaviour Policy
- Anti-bullying interventions in schools-what works?
- Health and Safety Directorate risk management - student behaviour resources (internal only)
- Supported online learning courses: Online Training Australia offers a range of course that can support individual student need including disability.
- The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA) resources
- Office of the eSafety Commissioner website
- Information for Teachers about Racist Bullying
- Inclusive Practice hub, particularly, when you are being bullied script - primary, when someone is being bullied script- primary, what is bullying story - secondary, when you are being bullied - how to ask for help scripts - secondary, what is cyberbullying story - secondary
- Bullying. No Way!
Consulted with: The information in this resource was developed as part of the NSW Government’s Anti-Bullying Strategy (2017-2020) in consultation with world-leading academic expert advisors Professor Donna Cross, Professor Rosemary Johnston, and Professor Ian Hickie. The Advocate for Children and Young People assisted with consultation with students.
The Department partnered with the NSW Association of Independent Schools, Catholic Schools NSW, eSafety Commissioner, Bullying No Way!, and the Kids Helpline in consultation with principal and parent groups to create an evidence-based resource package for students, teachers, parents and carers to identify, prevent and respond effectively to student bullying behaviours.
Professor Donna Cross, Professor Rosemary Johnston, and Professor Ian Hickie reviewed and endorsed all the materials for the website.
Reviewed by: Student Participation
Last updated: January 2025
Australia’s Safe and Supportive School Communities Working Group. (2015). A review of literature (2010–2014) on student bullying. https://bullyingnoway.gov.au/understanding-bullying/bullying-research
Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation. (2017). Anti-bullying interventions in schools - what works? Literature review. Department of Education. https://education.nsw.gov.au/about-us/educational-data/cese/publications/literature-reviews/anti-bullying-interventions-in-schools
Sae-Koew, J., Gonsalkorale, K., & Cross, D. (2024). Protecting Children and Adolescents from Cyberbullying: An Evidence Review of Risk and Protective Factors and Effective Interventions.
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