English 7–10 programs overview

An overview of the features of the sample programs provided to support enactment of the English 7–10 content in the English K–10 Syllabus (2022).

Teaching and learning program features

The English K–10 Syllabus (2022) provides a refined approach to support the design of teaching and learning programs and assessment supports in English units. Sample programs and assessments are designed to be educative and provide guidance for teachers that support this approach.

English K–10 Syllabus (2022) for Years 7–10 – information for school leaders provides an overview of what faculty and school leaders need to know about the syllabus. This resource provides an overview of what has changed and links to useful resources. It also outlines important whole school considerations, the evidence base and provides reflection questions that can guide engagement with the syllabus.

The programs and associated materials can be used as a basis for the teacher’s own programs, assessments or scope and sequences, or be used as an example of how the English K–10 Syllabus (2022) can be implemented.

The programs are designed to be taught in chronological order within each year and stage. Teachers using the programs and the associated materials should adapt these to suit their students’ needs, interests, abilities and the texts selected.

Before engaging with sample teaching and learning programs, it is important to develop a deep understanding of the Years 7–10 components of the English K–10 Syllabus (2022) and the underpinning evidence base.

Each program is 10 weeks in duration, aligned to department Sample scope and sequences. Teachers using these programs and the associated materials should adapt these to suit their students’ needs, interests, abilities and the texts selected. The resources should be used with timeframes that are created by the teacher to meet the overall assessment schedules.

The sample materials are intended to support English teachers, leaders and those practicing out-of-field. Their educative nature guides interpretation of the syllabus and provides a model of syllabus-aligned programming and assessment practice.

All programs and their supporting resources are best viewed digitally as opposed to printed hard copies. To move through sections of a Microsoft Word document, open the file and view the navigation pane (Hold down Ctrl+F or selecting View > Navigation Pane). In the navigation pane, select the Headings tab.

To go to a heading in a document, select that heading in the navigation pane. This allows access to view headings without scrolling.

Exploring sensitive topics in English 7–10

Some of the sample teaching and learning programs explore texts that contain a range of issues that could be deemed sensitive or controversial. It is important these issues are explored carefully, using a syllabus-aligned approach.

The study of controversial issues is acceptable for educational purposes consistent with the delivery of curriculum and provision of school programs and activities and the Controversial issues in schools policy. The what needs to be done section provides guidelines for each school.

Exploring topics that may be sensitive should also take place in line with the Code of ethics and conduct. These policies and procedures are required reading for all teachers and school leaders. It is important that classrooms are neutral places for discussion that encourages respectful and critical thinking about issues that arise throughout a student’s education.

Professional learning

Professional learning courses and resources that support the teaching of these programs.

The English curriculum 7–12 team provide professional learning through the English Statewide Staffroom. Join the English statewide staffroom to access these valuable resources and support. The recordings and resources are housed in the Professional learning channel (staff only).


  • English (2022)
  • Stage 4
  • Stage 5
  • Teaching and learning

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