Planning, programming and assessing International studies

Resources to help you plan, program and assess International studies in Years 7–10.

International Studies Years 7–10 is now a NSW Department of Education approved Stage 5 elective course.

As part of the NSW Curriculum Reform, Stage 5 School developed board endorsed courses (SDBECs) will be phased out at the end of their endorsement period or at the end of 2022, whichever occurs first.

From 2022, schools have the option to deliver NSW Department of Education approved elective courses which can make up a maximum of 200 hours of the 400 hours of electives mandated by the department in Stage 5.

The original version of the course document for International Studies Years 7–10 syllabus (DOCX (75.8 KB) is for schools who commenced classes in 2021 and may be completing the second year of the 200 hour course in 2022.

Any schools wishing to complete the new International Studies department approved Stage 5 elective course should seek the updated course materials,

The HSIE international studies Years 7–10 support document (DOCX 211 KB) may help you understand the key aspects of this new course. It also provides guidance for implementation.


  • HSIE
  • Stage 4
  • Stage 5

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