Embed phase

Strengthen and scale to ensure sustainable practices and systems.

Watch Phases of curriculum implementation – Embed (2:11)

Information about the overarching activities and reflective questions for the embed phase of curriculum implementation


Embed is the third phase of curriculum implementation.

In this phase, school leaders and teachers strengthen and scale practices and systems for effective curriculum implementation.

School leaders and teachers will participate in a variety of activities supported by new and existing resources. These include: 

  • building a culture of evidence-based, reflective teaching
  • sustaining ongoing improvement in curriculum implementation
  • providing ongoing development opportunities for all staff
  • evaluating processes and structures to monitor planning, programming, assessing and reporting
  • considering changes to the School Excellence Plan (SEP) to support syllabus implementation
  • refining the whole school approach for identifying effective curriculum implementation practice.

During the embed phase, you could consider these reflective questions with colleagues:

  • What has been the impact of curriculum change on student learning?
  • In what ways are staff engaging in reflective practices to continually build their capability? 
  • What are the enablers and barriers for future curriculum implementation?

Professional learning, resources and advice are available to support school leaders and teachers throughout curriculum implementation.

During the embed phase, it is important that school leaders and teachers strengthen and scale to ensure sustainable practices and systems.

Embedding effective implementation is ongoing. You may move in and out of this phase depending on the syllabus you are implementing.

To support you, role-specific curriculum implementation journeys have been created for principals, middle leaders and teachers with links to professional learning, resources and advice.

For more information, visit the department’s phases of curriculum implementation web page

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  • Sustain a culture of effective, evidence-based reflective teaching and ongoing improvement as part of curriculum implementation.
  • Provide ongoing development of staff.
  • What has been the impact of curriculum change on student learning?
  • In what ways are staff engaging in reflective practices to continually build their capability?


  • Evaluate processes and structures to monitor planning, programming, assessing and reporting.
  • Consider changes needed to the School Excellence Plan (SEP) for further syllabus implementation.
  • Refine the whole school approach for identifying effective curriculum implementation practice.

What are the enablers and barriers for future curriculum implementation?

Other phases


  • Teaching and learning


  • Classroom teachers
  • Directors Educational Leadership
  • Teaching and Learning Support
  • Teaching and learning
  • Web page

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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