Curriculum implementation journey – teaching principal

Guidance for teaching principals implementing a new syllabus. Suggested activities, reflective questions, and useful resources can be used flexibly across a range of schools for each phase of curriculum implementation.

A roadmap of the teaching principal journey through the phases of syllabus implementation. Engage contains Explore aspects of the syllabus, followed by identify and plan for changes required for effective curriculum implementation, and reflective questions. The enact phase contains Teach assess and report using the new syllabus, followed by evaluate to refine practices and systems, and reflective questions. The Embed phase contains Strengthen sustainable practices and systems for effective curriculum implementation, followed by Scale to ensure practices and systems for future syllabuses. A roadmap of the teaching principal journey through the phases of syllabus implementation. Engage contains Explore aspects of the syllabus, followed by identify and plan for changes required for effective curriculum implementation, and reflective questions. The enact phase contains Teach assess and report using the new syllabus, followed by evaluate to refine practices and systems, and reflective questions. The Embed phase contains Strengthen sustainable practices and systems for effective curriculum implementation, followed by Scale to ensure practices and systems for future syllabuses.
Image: Teaching principal – curriculum implementation journey graphic


In the engage phase, teaching principals:

  • explore aspects of the new syllabus
  • identify and plan for changes required for effective curriculum implementation.

Suggested activities

  • To what extent do I and/or my team have a deep understanding of the syllabus and the evidence underpinning the new syllabus?
  • What resources are required to commence syllabus implementation to meet curriculum planning and programming, assessing, and reporting requirements?
  • To what extent does the implementation plan allocate time for reflection and evaluation?

To access further reflective questions for the engage phase see the Leading collaboration for school improvement toolkit.


In the enact phase, teaching principals:

  • teach, assess and report using the new syllabus
  • evaluate to refine practices and systems.

Suggested activities

  • Connect with other schools to plan effective learning experiences for the full range of students?
  • To what extent are parents and the school community aware of the changes to the curriculum? 
  • How effective are the processes in place to support changes to assessing and reporting?
  • How effective are the processes and structures in place to evaluate the implementation of new curriculum?

To access further reflective questions for the enact phase see the Leading collaboration for school improvement toolkit.


In the embed phase, teaching principals strengthen and scale to ensure sustainable practices and systems.

Suggested activities

  • What has been the impact of curriculum change on student learning?
  • To what extent has the implementation of the new syllabus led to improvements in teaching practice?
  • What are the enablers and barriers for future curriculum implementation?

To access further reflective questions for the embed phase see the Leading collaboration for school improvement toolkit.


  • Teaching and learning


  • All primary schools
  • Curriculum
  • Principals
  • Teaching and learning

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