Enact phase

Teach, assess and report using the new syllabus and evaluate to refine practices and systems.

Watch Phases of curriculum implementation – Enact (2:32)

Information about the overarching activities and reflective questions for the enact phase of curriculum implementation


Enact is the second phase of curriculum implementation.

In the enact, teachers teach, assess and report using the new syllabus. School leaders evaluate implementation to refine practices and systems.

School leaders and teachers will participate in a variety of activities supported by new and existing resources.

These include: 

  • communicating curriculum changes with the school community.
  • creating opportunities for professional learning and collaboration to optimise learning for all students.
  • ensuring processes and structures are in place to support staff to teach the new curriculum.
  • refining school processes for assessing student progress, analysing student data and reporting to parents.
  • evaluating school processes and structures to ensure they support new syllabus implementation.

During the enact phase you could consider these reflective questions with colleagues:

  • Is the school community aware of the changes to the curriculum? 
  • How are all staff planning effective learning experiences for the full range of students?
  • What whole school processes and structures are in place to support staff to collaboratively plan and teach the new curriculum?
  • How effective are the processes in place to support changes to assessment and reporting?
  • How effective are the processes and structures in place to evaluate the implementation of new curriculum?

Professional learning, resources and advice are available to support school leaders and teachers throughout curriculum implementation.

During the enact phase it is important that school leaders and teachers evaluate the way they teach, assess and report using the new syllabus.

The length of time may vary depending on your school context and the stage you're teaching. You may move in and out of this phase depending on the syllabus you are implementing.

To support you, role-specific curriculum implementation journeys have been created for principals, middle leaders and teachers with links to professional learning, resources and advice.

For more information visit the department’s phases of curriculum implementation web page.

[End of transcript]


  • Communicate curriculum changes with the school community.

  • Create opportunities for professional learning and collaboration to optimise learning for all students.

  • Ensure dynamic, responsive processes and structures are in place to support staff to collaboratively plan teaching programs, teach the new curriculum and evaluate practice.

  • To what extent is the school community aware of the changes to the curriculum?
  • How are all staff planning effective learning experiences for the full range of students?
  • What whole school processes and structures are in place to support staff to collaboratively plan and teach the new curriculum?

Assess and report

Refine school processes for assessing student progress, analysing student data and reporting to parents.

How effective are the processes in place to support changes to assessment and reporting?


Evaluate school processes and structures to ensure they support new syllabus implementation.

How effective are the processes and structures in place to evaluate the implementation of new curriculum?

Other phases


  • Teaching and learning

Business Unit:

  • Curriculum
  • Teaching and Learning Support
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