Big Ideas to Start Strong across K–6
Learn about some of the important big ideas and core concepts in mathematics from Kindergarten to Year 6.
Big Ideas to Start Strong across K–6 is NESA-accredited professional learning. It aims to enrich the leading, teaching and learning of some big ideas and core concepts in mathematics.
This course has been developed in partnership with leading mathematics education academics, some of whom appear in the professional learning.
Who this course is for
You may complete this professional learning individually or together as a team.
Participants could include:
- any teacher or leader interested in enhancing their understanding of some important big ideas in mathematics across K–6
- Assistant Principals, Curriculum and Instruction (AP, C&Is)
- specialist support teachers
- graduate teachers with a specialisation in mathematics
- Stage 4 teachers and leaders focussed on supporting the transition between Stage 3 and Stage 4.
Learning as a school team
Learning together is usually more impactful than learning alone. However, it's not always possible for schools. In previous years, participants have included:
- individual teachers who have used their RFF because they wanted to learn more about mathematics
- leaders who have participated in the learning along with a stage team
- whole school teams who learnt together, using staff development days and professional learning meetings
- teachers who have formed small communities of learners with colleagues in different schools and learnt online together
- creating their own online learning spaces to talk about the course and what they’re doing in their classrooms.
The course
This professional learning opportunity aims to:
- deepen understanding of some big ideas and core concepts in mathematics and how they relate to syllabuses
- showcase examples of classroom practice, tasks and assessment tools related to some big ideas and core concepts
- support knowledge for teachers across the horizon of learning from K–6 and beyond
- build teachers’ confidence in the teaching and learning of mathematics
- deepen teachers’ knowledge
- explore evidence-based mathematical pedagogies and research
- highlight opportunities for making and using connections within and across syllabuses through exploring big ideas and core concepts
- provide opportunities to work collaboratively within and across school communities
- support teachers in enacting what is learnt and refined inside classrooms.
Curriculum Reform and syllabus implementation
This course supports schools in Curriculum Reform by providing opportunities to deeply explore some important big ideas and core concepts that are embedded throughout the NSW Mathematics syllabuses.
Additionally, the NSW Curriculum Review outlined the importance of building professional knowledge to support student understanding of the key concepts, principles, and ways of working in mathematics, focussing on conceptual understanding and the big ideas that underpin mathematics (NESA, 2021).
NESA Accreditation
This course is registered with NESA, recognising a total of 21 accredited hours of professional learning, including the:
- prerequisite Introduction course – 2 hours
- This is the same prerequisite for Effective teaching practices in Mathematics across K–6.
- Big Ideas to Start Strong across K–6 course – 19 hours
After successfully completing each course, your details will be processed into MyPL and NESA eTAMS within a month.
Course commitments
This course involves 10 self-paced components with each one taking approximately 2 hours to complete. This includes:
one prerequisite introduction 'course' providing some important background information for teachers who choose to participate in Big Ideas to Start Strong or Effective teaching practices
- nine self-paced modules released throughout the year that unlock sequentially upon completion of the previous module
- opportunities to play with mathematics, discuss ideas, reflect and respond throughout each module.
Course content
- Prerequisite: Introduction course
- Module 1: Patterns are at the heart of mathematics
- Module 2: Equals describes an important relationship
- Module 3: We measure to learn about, navigate and describe the world around us
- Module 4: Mathematics is incredibly flexible
- Module 5: Place value… Is it mathematics’ greatest invention?
- Module 6: Multiplicative thinking is more than just times tables
- Module 7: Fractions can be so divisive
- Module 8: Geometry… keeping the world in shape
- Module 9: Data helps us to navigate and describe our world
Registration for Cohort 3 of Becoming Mathematicians: Big Ideas to Start Strong across K–6 is open for NSW Department of Education teachers and school leaders until Friday 11 April 2025 (end of Term 1). Once you commence your learning in Cohort 3, you will have access to the course until Friday 19 December 2025 (end of Term 4).
You will need to consider the time commitment and discuss this learning opportunity with your principal to get their approval to participate. There is no cost associated with this professional learning. However, if casual relief is used, that will need to be covered by the school.
Each person taking part in the learning must register. You can complete the registration individually or one colleague can register each participant in your school team. You will receive an email with access information for the professional learning within 2 days after registering.
Register now for Cohort 3 (staff only)
If you are in a non-school-based teaching (NSBT) role, please register using the K–6 Mathematics professional learning – NSBT form.
Contact us
Contact the mathematics team at for further information.