Using number talks and number sense routines across K–6
Deepen your knowledge and discover the difference between a number talk, a dot card talk and a routine like ‘Which one doesn’t belong?’
Research evidence indicates that providing opportunities for students to share and justify their mathematical ideas and respond productively to the ideas of others, helps them to see themselves as, and to become, competent mathematicians (Kazemi & Hintz, 2014; Smith & Stein, 2011).
Using Number Talks and Number Sense Routines across K–6 is a NESA-accredited opportunity that delves into how different teaching routines in mathematics can be used to support student learning. This course is designed to build upon and enrich existing teacher knowledge of various teaching routines of mathematics.
Who this course is for
Participants may complete this professional learning individually or together as a team. Participants could include:
- any teacher or leader interested in enhancing their understanding of some important big ideas in mathematics across K–6
- Assistant Principals, Curriculum and Instruction (AP, C&Is)
- specialist support teachers
- graduate teachers with a specialisation in mathematics
- Stage 4 teachers and leaders focussed on supporting the transition between Stage 3 and Stage 4.
Learning as a school team
Learning together is usually more impactful than learning alone. However, it’s not always possible for schools. Participants can be:
- individual teachers who want to learn more about number talks and number sense routines
- small teams from within a school
- assistant principals, curriculum and instruction, deputy principals and principals participating in the learning alongside teachers
- whole school teams who learnt together, who may choose to use professional learning meetings and staff development days as time to come together to refine, affirm and deepen their understanding
- teachers at different schools forming communities of learners, to participate together and share what they’re doing in their classrooms as a result.
The course
This professional learning opportunity aims to:
- deepen teacher understanding in what makes a number talk a number talk
- investigate other number sense routines that can be used to support student understanding in maths
- explore how number talks and other number sense routines can be used in classrooms across K–6 and beyond
- deepen understanding around dialogic practices in mathematics
- support knowledge for teachers across the horizon of learning from K–6 and beyond.
Curriculum Reform and syllabus implementation
The NSW Curriculum Review identified the importance of teaching and learning focused on developing students’ deep understandings of important concepts and strategies (NESA, 2021). Number talks and other number sense routines have been shown to be powerful teaching routines we can use to achieve that goal.
Additionally, this course offers school communities the opportunity to explore these routines which help promote reasoning, a proficiency which lies at the heart of the NSW Mathematics syllabuses and the Curriculum Reform agenda.
Course commitments
Becoming Mathematicians: Using Number Talks and Number Sense Routines across K–6 is registered with NESA, recognising 7.5 hours of accredited professional learning if completed before Friday 16 May 2025. It is available online through Open Learning which teachers across NSW can access as best suits them.
The course involves:
- five self-paced course modules (approximately 90–120 minutes each)
- modules unlock sequentially upon completion of the previous module
- opportunities to play with mathematics and discuss, reflect and respond to ideas throughout each module.
Course content
- Module 1: Number talks: What they are, why they are important and how to implement them
- Module 2: Number sense routines to build mathematical understanding
- Module 3: Dialogic practices: Making sense of mathematics through quality talk
- Module 4: Dialogic practices: Making sense of mathematics through representations of student thinking
- Module 5: Orchestrating productive discussions: Open strategy sharing to targeted discussion
Participants may like to access this learning:
- over a few days
- by exploring a few of modules as part of a professional learning day.
Registration for Becoming Mathematicians: Using Number Talks & Number Sense Routines across K-6 is open for NSW Department of Education teachers and school leaders until Friday 11 April 2025 (end of Term 1). Once you commence your learning, you will have access to the course until Friday 19 December 2025 (end of Term 4).
You will need to consider the time commitment and discuss this learning opportunity with your principal and get their approval to participate. There is no cost associated with this professional learning. However, if casual relief is used, that will need to be covered by the school.
Each person taking part in the learning must register. You can complete the registration individually or one colleague can register each participant in your school team. You will receive an email with access information for the professional learning within 2 days after registering.
If you are in a non-school based teaching (NSBT) role, please register using the K–6 Mathematics Professional Learning – NSBT form.
Contact us
Contact the mathematics team at for further information.