Mathematics 3–6 microlearning

An overview of microlearning modules for Mathematics 3–6 professional learning, supporting teachers with curriculum implementation.

Comprises 2 groups with a total of 7 individual microlearning modules of 20 minutes duration.

To maximise impact, school leadership teams may facilitate this course for groups or teams. Doing so allows leaders to align professional learning with school priorities and add school-specific contextual information to address students’ learning needs.

Planning for learning in mathematics

Understanding of the Years 3-6 component of the syllabus to evaluate the progression of content from Early Stage 1 to Stage 3.
  • How does the mathematical content develop across K–6?
  • How is the syllabus structured?
  • How does the syllabus highlight the progression of mathematical concepts?
  • How can the teaching advice support programming and planning in mathematics?
  • What clear connections can be made across outcomes, focus areas and content?
Understand the use of consistent representations and tools to develop students' conceptual understanding in mathematics.
  • What are mathematical tools, models and representations?
  • How does the use of consistent tools and representations lead to generalisations?
  • How can linear tools and models be used to represent fractions in the Mathematics K–10 Syllabus?
  • How are non-linear, tools, models and representations explored in the Mathematics K–10 Syllabus?
Duration – 20 minutes
Available – 2024

Explain and evaluate the Working mathematically proficiencies across syllabus content for Stages 2 and 3.

  • How is Working mathematically elaborated on in the 3–6 component of the syllabus?
  • What does it mean to teach Working mathematically in K–6?
  • How can I develop Working mathematically opportunities within my lessons?
  • How can I assess Working mathematically?

Deepening pedagogical content knowledge of the syllabus

Duration – 20 minutes
Available – 2024

Evaluate and explain the significance of place value in developing students’ conceptual understanding in mathematics.

  • What are some of the key ideas in place value within the syllabus?
  • Why is place value so important?
  • What connections across other focus areas can be made through place value?
  • How can teachers support the use of mathematical language in place value?
  • How are the Working mathematically processes embedded in place value
Duration – 20 minutes
Available – 2024

Evaluate and explain the significance of additive relations in developing student’s conceptual understanding in mathematics.
  • What is additive relations?
  • What are some of the key ideas in additive relations within the syllabus?
  • Why are additive relations so important?
  • What connections across other focus areas can be made through additive relations?
  • How can teachers support the use of mathematical language in additive relations?
  • How are the 'Working mathematically' processes embedded in additive relations?

Duration – 20 minutes
Available – 2024

Evaluate and explain the significance of multiplicative relations and analyse its role in developing student’s’ conceptual understanding in mathematics.

  • What is multiplicative relations?  
  • What are some of the key ideas in multiplicative relations within the syllabus?  
  • Why is multiplicative thinking so important?  
  • What connections across other focus areas can be made through multiplicative relations?  
  • How can teachers support the use of mathematical language in multiplicative relations?  
  • How are the Working mathematically processes embedded in multiplicative relations? 
Duration – 20 minutes
Available – 2024

Evaluate and explain the significance of fractions and analyse its role in developing student’s’ conceptual understanding in mathematics.

  • Why is fractional thinking important?
  • What is the role of fractions in the syllabus?
  • How are fractions represented?
  • What connections across other focus areas can be made through fractions?
  • How can teachers support the use of mathematical language in fractions?
  • How are the Working mathematically processes embedded in fractions?


Syllabus outcomes and content descriptors from Mathematics K–10 Syllabus © NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) for and on behalf of the Crown in right of the State of New South Wales, 2021.


  • Mathematics (2022)
  • Stage 2
  • Stage 3

Business Unit:

  • Teaching and Learning Support
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