New Arrivals Program

The New Arrivals Program (NAP) provides initial, on arrival intensive English language tuition for eligible newly arrived students who are learning English as Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D) and are in the early stages of their English language proficiency.

Term 4 funding advice to schools

To ensure eligible schools receive NAP funding in Term 4, in line with the Effective School Funding Guidelines, a revised approach is detailed below.

Eligible schools will receive two budget adjustments in November.

  • The first budget adjustment will cover October NAP funds, paid in arrears.
  • The second budget adjustment will cover Term 4 NAP funds, paid in advance, for all students who are enrolled by Week 3, Term 4.

Where students enrol after Week 3, term 4, schools will not receive additional NAP funding for the 2024 calendar year. Schools will need to use existing funds to support these students’ English language learning needs.

Schools should continue to submit NAP applications for these students, so that we can provide appropriate funding from the beginning of 2025. Students whose NAP applications are submitted during Weeks 4-10, Term 4, 2024, will be eligible for a supplementary payment to support their English language in the February 2025 budget adjustment. This will provide additional support for these students at the school that they are enrolled in for Term 1, 2025.

General information

The New Arrivals Program targets support to EAL/D students in primary and rural and regional secondary schools by providing funding for additional staffing allocations.

The funding provided by the New Arrivals Program allows schools to employ teachers to provide targeted support for newly arrived EAL/D students to develop their English language skills so they may access the curriculum, successfully participate in learning alongside their peers in mainstream classes, and engage confidently in the broader Australian community.

Please refer to the NAP Operational Guidelines 2023 (PDF 2.6 MB) for detailed information about the New Arrivals Program.

The New Arrivals Program funding process and allocative formula have been revised and updated. Please refer to New Arrivals Program 2023 (PDF 165 KB) for more information about the changes.

Access to NAP support

To be eligible for NAP funding, students must meet all of the following criteria.

  • is newly arrived in Australia and speaks a language other than English as their first language
  • requires on-arrival, initial intensive English language support as they are at the Beginning or Emerging phase of English language proficiency as assessed against the ACARA EAL/D Learning Progression (PDF 398 KB)
  • has enrolled in their first school in Australia within 6 months of arrival, or within 18 months of arrival for kindergarten students
  • has enrolled in an Australian school for the first time, or have transferred schools within 6 months of first enrolment
  • is an Australian citizen¹ returning from 2 or more years overseas, or a permanent resident or an approved temporary resident visa holder² (see Schedule of Visa Subclasses and Enrolment Conditions)

¹Australian citizens may be eligible for NAP funding if they:

  • were born overseas to Australian citizens and lived continuously overseas for 2 years or more (AUCC1-C1-Australian citizen in ERN)
  • have lived overseas continuously for 2 or more years (AUCC2-C2-Australian citizen in ERN)

²Temporary resident visa holders can only enrol in a primary or rural and regional secondary school once the Temporary Residents Program has issued an Authority to Enrol to the school (refer to Application process for temporary residents).

  • uses English as a language of communication at home
  • attended a school in which English was the main language of instruction before arrival in Australia
  • has an AUC-Australian citizen residency status in ERN
  • holds a visitor’s visa or other short-term visa of three months or less
  • is an exchange student or student guardian.

The Schedule of Visa Subclasses and Enrolment Conditions lists those visas that may require an Authority to Enrol and payment of an education fee prior to enrolment proceeding. Go to the Temporary Residents Program for the Schedule of Visa Subclasses and Enrolment Conditions and more information.

Some categories of temporary visa holders are not eligible to receive New Arrivals Program support. Schools need to check eligibility in the Schedule of Visa Subclasses and Enrolment Conditions.

Eligible newly arrived students enrolling in Year 6 and in high school in the Sydney metropolitan, Armidale or Wollongong areas should be referred to their local Intensive English Centre (IEC) or Intensive English High School (IEHS). All other eligible newly arrived EAL/D students must enrol in their local school. Schools can then apply for New Arrivals Program support.

To apply for New Arrivals Program support, schools must complete an online application through the New Arrivals Program tab on the Online Data Collections for Schools website. An introduction to the new NAP application website is available to schools. The NAP online application process introductory video provides a step by step guide on how to locate, access, navigate and apply for NAP support using the NAP application website.

Eligible EAL/D student data is generated automatically from ERN and uploaded to the website on a regular basis.

For support regarding the New Arrivals Program please contact


Information on how to enrol students who are temporary visa holders and permanent residents is provided through DE International. Most students holding temporary visas are required to pay the temporary residents education fee and must obtain an Authority to Enrol (PDF 409 KB). For conditions applying to international students (holders of student visa 500P) refer to procedures and eligibility for enrolment of international students.

A translated version of the Application to enrol in a NSW Government school (PDF 769 KB) will assist parents/carers in understanding enrolment requirements.


  • Teaching and learning

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