EAL/D qualifications

Information about the teaching qualifications, requirements and study opportunities for EAL/D teachers.


To qualify as an English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) teacher in a NSW government school you must be qualified as either a primary or secondary teacher and have approval to teach in a NSW government school. Teachers must also have completed an approved course of study in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). This may be undertaken through either undergraduate studies, post graduate or a combination of undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

EAL/D Teacher position description


For information about how to get paid to study to become an EAL/D teacher please see the information about Teach and Learn Scholarships on the teach.NSW website.

A number of higher education institutions offer an approved course of study in TESOL involving studies in linguistics, English and/or a language as part of an initial primary or secondary teacher education program.

Similarly, a number of higher education institutions also offer approved postgraduate TESOL programs, such as a Graduate Certificate in TESOL or postgraduate Diploma in TESOL, for qualified teachers.

Further information

For more information on EAL/D teacher accreditation contact:
Teacher Approvals
02 9836 9086


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